• Chapter 6 •

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"Ms. Y/n?"

"Shove off!" I yelled as I continued to sob. I'm still thinking of what Elizza said. Why didn't fathwr told me this? And Rod is leaving in a few weeks. I can't do this. I wanna die and be peaceful.

"Y/n, darling? You've been on your room all day since your birthday, Arthur told me you wouldn't eat too. What happened?" My father suddenly walked inside. I looked away and hid myself at my covers. "I think it's time to tell you this. Your marrying from another kingdom. Roderich's father told me that since you two hate each other he will cancel our bonds and Roderich will just marry the princess of Hungary" So it's true. More tears went down my face as father made that statement. "Y/n? Or you okay?"

"What do you think father?!" I answered angrily at him. His face was just calm as ever, but I can also see the sadness in his eyes.

"Y/n, it was not my decision to cancel the marriage, (I'll just put on a random name for a king) King William threatened Roderich's father if his son didn't marry his William's daughter. I agreed to cancel your marriage for the sake of my dear friend"


"I know you loved him darling, but, Hungary will declare war to us if we didn't give what they wanted" I began shaking wildly as more and more tears went their way down to my face. I rand to father and embraced him while I was crying.

"Father, it hurts, it really hurts. Why would thus hapen to me? I didn't do anything wrong? WHY?!"

"Calm down Y/n, it's going to be alright. We could find another prince to for yout o marry"

"But father he's different I-"

"No Y/n, he's just like every other man"

"NO!" I pushed him away and ran to wherever I can be.

"Y/n come back here" I heard from afar.


Roderich's POV

"I want all of you to find my daughter immediately!" Boomed King F/n's voice from afar. He seemed mad. Like in rage. I walked silently and arrived the throne room, there was Y/n's father with a red face.

"What happened your highness(?)?"



"She ran away"

"To where?" Ran away? There is no way she wpuld do that.

"I'm afraid I do not know, But if you saw her let me know"

"Of course king F/n"

"Very well" Where might Y/n be? Maybe I'll go check at the our secret garden.


I finally arrived at my destination. As I stepped in I can't help but hear faint sounds of crying. I walked closer and followed the sounds and finally, I saw her. She was in her knees while sobbing. I didn't really know why. So I came to ask her.

"Y/n? Why are you crying? What happened?" Her e/c eyes looked at me with tears flowing down her s/t(skin/tone) skin.

"Wha? Rod, why are you here?"

"I came here to see you, your father told me you ran away and I ummediately know where you were. So tell me, what's your problem leibe?" Y/n looked away, she seem mad at me but I don't know why. Or did she-

"YOU!" She yelled with anger and sadness. I guess she found out about it?

"What about me?"

"You didn't tell me that you knew about it! My friend told me everything!" She did found out about it. Sighing, I began explaining as sh esobbed on my chest. I then heard sounds of silent sonring and then I noticed that Y/n was sleeping. I then hugged her, carried her bridal style and went to her room to put her on her bed. I studied her features closely. H/c hair, e/c eyes, rosy pink lips, s/t face and a beautiful personality which made me fall for her more and more. I wish i could make her happy.


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