• Chapter 11 •

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Well, the day just flowed normally. Work here, work there, work everywhere. I was exhausted as hell. I just wanted to sleep so badly but work was in the way. So I just decided to finish it. As I was transferring some of the last documents, Savannah went to me.

"Boss wants you in his office immediately" Whaaat? Why now? Why all of the sudden? And why me?

"Wait a second, I'll just finish-"

"-He said immediately so that means you need to go now"

"A-alright" stranding up, I walked pass Savannah and towards mr. Edelstein's office. "Uhh, sir? You called for me?"

"Yes Y/n, I would like to tell you something" Holy shit. Don't fire me now sir, I'm broke.

"Y-yes sir?"

"Well I would like you to come with me in a party" Theh fuq dude? Wut the hecc's wrong with chu?

"M-me s-sir?"

"You heard me L/n" Woah, I hope this is just a dream. "It's not, this is real" he can hear my thoughts? "No Y/n, you're talking" Holy shit! Boss hears what my mind says "Y/N!" Snapping out of my thoughs, I looked at mr. Roderich and blushed in embarassment.

"Oh, sorry sir. What were you saying again, sir?"

"Well, you're going to a party with me."

"But why me sir? Don't you have a wife or a girlfriend? Or why don't you ask the others sir?"

"No, and do I look like I'm in a relationship to you?" Yeah I guess "You know that I can hear what you are saying"

"Oh, sorry again sir, I do that really often. And you do look like a guy that is in a relationship, sir"

"I already told you I don't have" geez dude, calm down. No need to be angry.

"I don't have anything to wear sir"

"Here" He took something from his pocket and handed it to you. It was a credit card. B r u h.

"You can buy anything you want, just make sure to be ready on saturday, 6 PM sharp. I'll be getting you."

"O-okay sir"

"Good, you're dismissed"


A/n : sorry dudes if it's short, I hope you still lile it^^

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