Valentine's Special

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"Mommy! Vatti!(correct me if I'm wrong)" A little boy with brunette hair like his father's yelled at your face. You felt the weight shift from above you and you felt a heavy presence just above you. Opening your tired e/c eyes, you saw your little son, Roderick(sorry?), sitting on you and your husband's legs. "Mommy! Vatti wake up!" The bed began creaking as Roderick jumped up and down at the bed.

"Sweetie, please stop doing that!"

"Mommy, mommy! Wake up! It's Valentine's day!" The short brunette male stopped jumping and say back at your legs. You also sat, you've  noticed that Roderich was still asleep so you shook him up to wake.

"Rod! Rod! Wake up!" He instantly shot up and groggily and rubbed his eyes.

"V-Vhat us it liebe?"

"Vutti! It's Valentine's day! Jou promised to take me and mommy out!" Your son yelled, slightly jumping on the bed.

"Right, Roderick, jou know it's not respectful to just barge into rooms. Zhat's disrespectful."

"I'm sorry vutti." He pouted, Roderich gave him a smile and ruffled his hair before pulling him into a embrace in which you giggled.

"Go change zhen, we're going out."


You three went to the mall to get some stuff for your son and you. Rodeeick was a little excited--well maybe more than that--that he began running around. Actually, it was his first time in the mall, you usually bring him to stores and not the mall, afraid that he might get lost.

"Mommy! Vatti! I want to go zhere!" He pointed at a play area you came across where there were lots of toys and stuff. Chuldren were all running around with their parents/guardians trailing behind.

"What do you think Mr. Edelstein? Should we let him?" You giggled, Roderich's lips slightly twitch into a small smile.

"If he will behave."

"I will Vatti! Can I please go now?" Roderick had a sparkle in his violet eyes while he asked permission. You couldn't resist it, so does your husband who let out a happy sough.




The day ended up easily, you all shopped, dine and did all sorts of fun things in the mall. The best part was what you were going to do just yet. As you three went home, since it's Valentine's day, you decided to invite some few friends over with their partners included. You also told Elizza about your plan, but you were nervous, she tried to tell you everything was going to be fine but there was a weird crunch on your stomach. What if Roderich will leav me after this? You would ask yourself mentally, you were now currently in the dining room with your friends. All the kids were at Roderick's room playing. You glanced over at Elizza and she nodded at your reassuringly. You took a deep breath before smiling.

"Alright! It's time for the gifts!"

"But, it's Valentine's day frau, not Christmas." Gilbert interjected, you knew he didn't bring a gift so you just let it pass. Everyone handed their gifts to everyone and the next thing you knew is that it was finally your time to give Roderich his gift. Clutching on the small wrapped square box you have, you made an eye contact with your best friend who was smiling brightly at you and nodding. You nodded back and slowly made your way back to the dining room with her. She put on a hand on your back and gave it a pat.

"It's going to be awesome Y/n, he's going to love his present. I'm sure he will! If he doesn't then he'll pay for hurting my bestie!" She stated, you whimpered once again,

"I'm not really sure about this Elizza. I'm really nervous."

"Girl, c'mon, he totally loved it when he found out you were pregnant for the first time. He's going to love it this time too."

"I'm not really sure Elizza."

"Why are you like that? Don't think like that! He's totally going to love it! I know it!"

"I'm not you Mrs. Honda." She blushed at that nickname, she still does.

"Eh, whatever. Just go and give it to him." You took one last deep breath before putting on a confident face.

"Alright." You then slowly strutted to Roderich who looked really happy, he faced you and smiled then your stomach began turning all over again. "Roderich, here's your gift."

"Danke liebe." He was about to keep it but you stopped him.

"Open it."


"Roderich, open it." He looked at the box before at you and back to the box again. He began unwrapping it and took the lid off. To his surprise, he saw the small pregnacy test inside. His eyes suddenly widen in shock and excitement, he stared at you and smiled and you smiled back, "Happy Valentine's day Rod."


OML thank you guys for 1k reads, I'm really happy. Anyhow, here's your Valentine's Special. Hope y'all enjoy

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