• Chapter 25 •

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"Y/n, I need to tell jou something." You sent Roderich a curious look and stood up from your chair.

"What is it sir? Is there anything you need." He sighed, looking down.

"Jou see, we need to get married."


***A few hourse earlier***

"Roderich, how is zhis girlfriend of yours doing?" The male looked away from what he was doing and flanced at the door. There his father stood. Roderich stood from his stool and faced him.

"Fazher, vhat are jou doing in here?" The older male chuckled.

"My dear son, am I not welcome in here?"

"Vhat do jou need?" He asked, completely ignoring his question.

"Jou see son, I'm getting older now. I was just wishing to advance zhings a bit. Vhane do jou plan on marrying jour partner?" Roderich clenched his hands into fists. He didn't really wanted to fasten things up. It's to early.

"Vhy is zhat fazher?"

"I'm passing jou my place, but first jou need a wife. I want to see her before I go away to anozher country."


"Well? Have jou even proposed to her?"

"Fazher, I--...."

"Nein, it's alright if jou're not ready son. I won't leave the country then if jou're not ready--" Gabriel was about to leave when suddenly, Roderich spoke.

"Ich am marrying her in four monzhs!"

"Four monzhs?" The grayish-haired man faced his son again.

"Ja, I'll make it in two monzhs if I have to."

"Well, since jou really want me to leave zhen alright. In two monzhs." He left. Roderich sat in his stool and slumped his back, leaning over the piano.

"Zhis is life."


"I can't possibly do that Mr. Edelstein! Everything's going too fast for me!" You panicked,

"Ja, but we'll get divorce after a few monzhs! I just need to of my fazher won't leave me alone." You didn't really want to agree with this. Even from the start.

"Sir, why not just ask Ms. Elizabeta?"

"Jou're better." You blushed at what he just said, then he finally realized it and his face immediately went all pink. "I-I mean she's not as good as jou." You just giggled at his antics.


"Elizza! Where is my Roddy and that girl?!" The hungarian female barge in the peralian's office without warning, having a scowl on her face.

"Oh, Hello there Liz. Sorry I don't know where they are." The female stated simply before darting her dark eyes back on her computer.

"What do you mean!? Aren't you friends with them both?"

"Well, I've been busy at work lately, I don't even have the time to spend time with my boyfriend. Will you please leave now? I have tons of work." Glancing at the brunette female, she cooly requested her. Elizabeta let out a whine as she walked out of the office while glaring at everything.


Sorry it's shorter, I'm sorry for getting distracted and not really updating, though, I promise you all that I will update on February 14. Hope y'all enjoy^^

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