• Chapter 5 •

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It was finally the day of my party. I was at my room being changed and assisted by my maids. I kept thinking of what everybody will react if they see me. I wasn't really a party person so yeah. Anyways, after a few minutes my maids finished changing me and said left me alone. I was thinking about Roderich again. Ugh! That damn Austrian, he's so-

"Y/n?" Speak of the devil! Goodness, good thing I love you-Wait what?! Hell no, "Liebe? Are you there?"

"Oh, yes, come in" Hory shet! He's kinda handsome.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You know it's not good to stare" smirked the oh-so-called-gentleman making me blush in embarrassment. Geez, I'm gonna have a hard time at my party.

"I- you- uhh- Goodness! Just get out will you?!"

"Alright, Alright" he raised both of his hands and left but then came back "By the way, you look gorgeous" and left again making me blush. Argh! This feelings are really hard to leave. It's getting stronger and stronger by day.

"Tsk! Idiot" I said in a quiet voice as I glared at the door, my face then softened again and the smile came back to my face as I thought of Roderich smiling. It wasn't really the first time I saw him smile, I did saw him several times. He told me that i was the first person who saw hik smile. He usually is frowning of his face is in a serious- Get out of my head!! Why am I thinking of him again? I can't really get a hold of myself anymore. Maybe I should tell him that I like him? Or maybe not? If I told him he might reject my love and thing will be super akward, or there might be a chance of him habeing my feelings back. If I don't tell him he might find another woman and he'll imvite me to their wedding, and they will have a child, then I will be in my room lonely and-

"Your party is starting m'lady" Arthur's voice then cut my thoughts by entering my room.

"Uhh okay, I'll be there in a minute."

"Alright your highness" with that eh bowed and left. With a sigh, I looked at the mirror again and stared at myself. I look ravishing tonight. I'm so bootiful uwu. Oh right that party is starting haha. Went out of my room and stalked my way to the ballroom. As I walked down the stairs I can't help but feel nervous. This is always my feeling everytime I have a party. I finally arrived the room, people were scaterred everywhere, some were chatting and some were dancing. I looked to my front and sae my father with a smile as he gave me a hand.

"You look beautiful Y/n, darling" he then took me to downstairs at the middle of the ballroom, well not literally in the middle, all I meant was beside the staircase or whatever it is called. "Hello! People of C/n! I am your King F/n, I would like to welcome you all to my daughter's 18th birthdate celebration. Welcome to all and have a great night!" Father announced with a smile. Everyone clapped their hands and smiled widely as they looked at me. I also did the same and grinned with pure joy.


The party was still on going, I was now talking to one of the neighboring kingdom's princess.

"So how is your life Y/n?" Asked a brown eyes female as she smiled at me which I gave back.

"I am fine Elizza, how about you?"

"I'm also good, I kind of want to party for a little even if I don't really want to"

"Oh, alright, I shall leave you for a while"

"No no no, that's not ehat I meant, haha sorry. So by the way, how's your fiance? I think you've been closer these past months, tell me all the details"

"Roderich? He's fine, we aren't really that close, so yeah"

"I heard that Elizabeta likes him" What?!


"Yeah, she told her dad that she wanna marry him and your marriage is being cancelled" Holy hell why??? Wait, it dosen't mean he likes her too right?

"Does Roderich feel the same about her?"

"Some said he does while some said he dosen't, honestly, I don't know" I began to lose my excitement, I think I'm just going to bed

"Oh, okay, thank you for telling me. I think my stomach hurts, I should go"

"I know what you're going to do, but sure, see you!"

"You too!" I waved my hand. Now I felt like crying. How come my father hadn't said anything to me?


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