• Chapter 21 •

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A/n:I'm gonna try 1000+ word on this chapter, hope ya enjoy! Ohh, and sorry for not updating for a while(I guess), I'm too busy this days but I promise(not literally) to update every week or something, I actually forgot the plot so carry on with me. Imma try reading the book and correct whatever I need to correct. Anyways, here's your chapter you have been waiting for.......or not.....


The next morning you woke up with a really bad headache. Your head was pounding badly and you just wanted to scream your lungs out. A groan escaped your lips as you sat at your bed. You noticed that you clothes were different. The door suddenly opened and showed Elizza.

"Oh! Hiya Y/n! How's your sleep? You were pretty wild with Roderich last night." Her words had no filter and you just thought What the fuck?

"I-I wh-what?! What did I do?!"

"I already told you, you went wild last night." Snickered the peralian girl. A deep blush coated your cheeks as you covered your face with your hands.

"No, no, no, no, no! This can't be happening!" You began trashing around, throwing anything you hold.

"Woah girl, I'm just kidding! Nothing happened!"


"Yeah, yeah. Not really." You began throwing thins again, your face was still red.

"No, no, stop! I was just teasing, again."

"Grrr I hate you sometimes."

"Love you too. Anyways, you're late for work. But don't worry, I called Roddy and he said you're excused."

"Ehh?? Why would you do that asshileasshole?!"

"Suck vulgar words, what happened to you?" You ignored her and made quickly made your way to the bathroom with clothes and a towel that came out of nowhere(wew). You quickly took a shower and changed into your clothes while Elizza watched you with a bored look. "You're still going to work? Aren't you supposed to be embarassed?"

"About what?" You were currently putting on your shoes by that time, you heard Elizza sough.

"Geez girl, never thought you would forget that too easily. Meh, just go to work,"

"Tsk, whatever. And I'm not going to work. I'll be at the hospital."

"You'll visit B/n(brother's name)? Wait for me then!"

"Hurry up."

"I'll be right back, 5 minutes," Elizza then left you at the living room, waiting. Well, after like five minutes or so she didn't show up adn you were getting annoyed about that. You decided to just leave her home and you made your way to the front door and opened it. Surprised to see Elizza standing in front of you with a casual outfit and then smiled brightly. You were now more annoyed,

"Why the heck didn't you tell me that you were already outside." She, who completely ignored your question, swiftly ran to the car and started it.

"I'm really excited to see B/n!" You rolled your eyes and drove to the hospital. When you both arrived you two immediately raced to your brother's(oohh, and did I mention that you two are twins?) room and saw him in a nicer condidtion than the last time you saw him.

"Hey B/n, how are you?" You made your way beside him and sat at the bedside.

"Hey Y/n, Elizza, I suppose that I'm getting better."

"You will surely will brother."

"Yooo! How's my man doing?" Elizza happily hugged his side, B/n smiled at the her. She till hasn't changed,

The Sound of His Heartbeat (Austria x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now