• Chapter 17 •

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The Sound of His Heartbeat
Chapter 17


Being his assistant wasn't really that bad. You only have accompany him, give him what he orders you to do and etc. Right now you are sitting in the couch of his office, bored out of your mind and staring at him as he worked his ass off.

"Y/n, jou're staring." A tint of pink made its way to your cheeks. How come did he saw you? He was so focused in his work.

"I-I'm sorry boss."

"It's fine liebe, anyways, I have a meeting with a businessman today. I want jou to come wizh me."

"Of course sir."

"Here." He handed you a..... credit card?

"Huh?" You looked at the card in his hands. It had his name on it and some numbers, even his signature. What was it for?

"Don't just look at it Y/n, take it."

"But sir, for what?" Roderich rolled his eyes on you.

"Jou need to buy a new suit. Zhat ones are..... err... too cheap for my liking." You stared at him in disbelief, is he? No, or maybe..... nvm. You hesitated for a moment but then took if from his hands and stared at it. "Jou can also buy some thing if jou like." Your eyes widen.

"Oh no sir, I'm nod doing that. I fell like I'm taking advantage of your kindness."

"Nein, it's fine Y/n. Just dont tell anyone." He gave you a wink. That was new. You started blushing again until you heard him chuckle which made you blush more. "Well, off you go now. Be here at 5:30 PM or 6 PM." You nodded in response and took all your things then ealked out of his office. When you opened the doors you were greeted by and angry Elizabeta who pushed pass her. All eyes were on you now.

"What?" Everybody went back to what they were doing. You went back to your cubicle and took what you needed and exited the building. You then called Elizza to help you pick something formal that isn't too cheap. She did help you look for a few until something caught your eye. You took it and payed for it. Elizza was shocked to see that you have Roderich's credit card and asked you many things like,

"Do you have a relationship with Roderich?" Or, "Are you with Roderich?" That made you blush. Of course you weren't, you just simply said,

"No, I'm his assistant for today and he told me to get a new suit."

"You know you could've just asked me to buy you one. Or maybe I could buy you the whole store."

"Ehh? Are you gonna?"

"Maybe, but little Roddy there was first. But don't worry, I'll probably do." With that she winked at you and pushed you at the building doors with your new suit. "See ya little kitty!" With that she left you in front of the glass doors. Staring at the door for a while, you sighed, clutching your suit closer and turning around to be met with a chest.

"Jou're late." You backed away, looking at your boss in the eye.

"Sorry sir."

"It's fine, just go and change, we're leaving in a few minutes. Hurry up."

"Yes boss."


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