• Chapter 10 •

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I've been stressed a lot lately. Work has been keeping me busy. The new boss was a little harsh. Anything wrong we do is being corrected, even at the littlest things. Savannah, the boss's secretary was hatimg me for unknown reason, she had been giving me a hard time. It was really not my problem to work. I needed money for my brother's, he has a stage 3 brain cancer.

"Y/n, here's some documents. Again" Savannah threw a mountain of folders at my desk then leaving after. Sighing, I did my work again and didn't even dared to eat lunch. I was just at my cubicle, typing my ass out. My butt is sore and my eyes are red from the light from the monitor. I stayed until 9 pm. At that time everybody had already left. Just me, some other employees liek security guards and maybe the boss and his secretary. Giving a last sigh, I stretched my body and sighed again. I then fixed everything in my desk and prepared to leave the building. I heard footsteps as I was about to leave.

"Why are you still here?" Said a very familiar voice. It was the boss. He was glaring into my sould like there's no tomorrow.

"Uhh, I- Emm- I- Uhh, I needed to finish something?. . . ."

"Aren't you suppose to finish it tomorrow? And aren't you suppose to be at home at this hour?" He said in a deep scary voice, although not scary enough to scare me shitless.

"Uhh well, there were a lot of files sir. I don't really want it undone" I bowed my head and shakily walked away but was stopped when he grabbed my arm.

"Very well, anyways you should go home. I'll drive you" What theh fucking shit? Is this mr. Edelstein? Holy motherfucking shit.

"W-what?" I said, pink tintes my cheeks.

"You heard me"

"But sir I-"

"-No buts, you might get in danger, I'm just doing this for your protection" Yeah right dude. But I didn't really know while my heart ached when he said that he's just doing this for my protection.

"O-Okay s-sir"


Oh well, the drive home was silent, besides the time that I told him the directions. And now I'm at home being questiong by Elizza about who's the guy who drove me hom.

"Ohhh who's the guy?"

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"How old is he?"

"How did you met?"

"Sooo tell me the details"

"What?" What does she mean by that?

"You know, you went home later than usual, I'm sure you did 'that', soo tell me all the details" squealed my dark haired bestfriend.

"We didn't do anything"

"Oh c'mon it's not like I will take hime from you, I have a damn boyfriend" Elizza rolled her chocolate eyes as she talked with excitement.

"Ugh nothing happened I tell ya"

"Awwww, that's bad, I even prepared a pregnancy test just for you"



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