• Chapter 18 •

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You two finally arrived at the restaurant where your boss was suppose to meet the other businessman. He was sitting at one of the tables while you stood at beside him. Suddenly, the doors opened, causing you both to look at the direction of the sound. There was a old looking man, he might be in his late fifties or something, walking towards their table.

"Ahh, greetings Mr. Goodman(sorry, I have no idea what I am writing.), it's really nice of you to join."

"Greetings Mr. Edelstein." The old man took a seat, shaking his hand with Roderich. You watched them and felt like going to the bathroom. Leaning at your boss' ear, you asked if you could go to the bathroom and he said yes. You nodded amd left. "Who's that girl?"

"We're here for business, not that kind of thing Mr. Goodman."

"Fine, fine. Excuse me please, I just need to go to the bathroom." Roderich narrowed his eyes at the older male as he went to the bathroom. Something's gonna get fishy.


You washed you hands and got ready to leave the bathroom when you heard the door suddenly shut. Looking over your shoulder, you saw Roderich's co-businessman walking to you with a smirk. Holy fucking CRAPOLA. No, no, no.

"....." You silently passed him when he grabeed you arm and pinned you at the wall. You saw him smirk and you stood there with shocked eyes.

"Now listen here little girl, don't tell this to your boss in there, alright?" (I'm not good at writing this but I hope you still accept it) He leaned and kissed you hardly. Holy fuck?!!?!??!??! That was my first kiss and it was taken by a horny old man. Aahhhhhhh! Someone save me from this! You then felt him moved to your neck, biting, sucking and kissing it(bleh! This is disgusting T^T I'm sorry again.) Tears streamed down you eyes as he continued, you were about to yell when he covered your mouth. "Don't you dare scream little darling....." more tears cascaded down your eyes, you just stood there, helplessly, and nearly being raped. You tried pushing the old man away but he was too heavy for your liking. When suddenly,

"MR. GOODMAN!" You heard from the door. You both looked at where the voice came from. There was your Roderich, angry as ever, walking towards you. He then pushed Mr. Goodman(I don't even know if I should name him that) away, releasing you from his grasp.

"Oh, Mr. Edelstein."

"I'm cancelling our partnership now. Jou are unworzhy for it." The pld man just smirked.

"How about I make a deal? I take that girl and I'll give you galf of my property." You were afraid that Roderich would say yes but he didn't. Instead he pulled you close and hugged you, you were shocked but also hugged back.

"No, jou can keep jour property." With that he pulled you away from the bathroom, bridal style(yeeeaaah). You were still crying from what happened earlier, "Are jou alright Y/n?" You didn't answer, you just stared at your hands until you felt pressure at your forehead. He just kissed you on the forehead. "It's alright liebe, I won't let anyone do that to jou." You were blushing mad. Aaaahhhhhh! What does he mean by that? Oh goodness he's si handsome.(forgive me, please).

"Thank you Mr. Edelstein."

"Just call me Roderich liebe."


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