• Chapter 24 •

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"I'd like to talk to Ms. Anderson." The woman in a suit nodded.

"Right this way sir." She then lead the taller male to the CEO's office and knocked. "Ms. Anderson, someone's here for you."

"Bring 'em in!" The familiar woman from the inside answered, the office doors had shut open and showed the girl who was currenly typing on her computer but then hlanced at the elder male.

"Aah, Mr. Gabriel(just a freaking random name) Edelstein, what brings you in here today?" She smiled, looking away from her monitor and facing the elder. The man, also known as 'Gabriel' moved forward and stood straight in front of her.

"So, I've had some information about this girl names 'Y/n L/n'. I'd like to know if you perhaps, know her?" Elizza smiled and straightened her back.

"Aaah, yes. What about her is that you wnat Mr. Gabriel?"

"Well, jou see, my bruder had some information about her. She said zhat she's running the Anderson Company wizh jou?" Oh great. Thank God I always have an excuse. I hate it when someone comes investigating.

"Oh, of course Mr. Gabriel, is there anything you would want to know? Take a seat sir." The slightly grayish-haired man sat at one of the chairs that were positioned just in front of Elizza's desk.

"I'd like to know about her."

"Well, what a surprise sir. What would you actually luke to know about her?"

"As I told jou before, her information. How she got involved in the Anderson family." Elizza gulped in nervousness and gave Mr. Gabriel a small grin.

"She's my adopted sister Mr. Gabriel. My mother and father adopted her sir. She currenlty works as my assistant until I retire and she shall be the new CEO. Is there anything else you would like to question, Mr. Gabriel?" The male narrowed his eyes on the girl.

"No, nozhing more. Danke for jour information Ms. Anderson. We shall again meet later." With that he left whithout really doing anything else than just getting up from his seat and walking out of the room. A sigh escaped Elizza's lips as the older malr got out of the room.



A groan came out from your lips as you continuously typed at your computer, occasionally glancing over at Roderich and checking out his pretty boy face. Another yawn escaped your mouth while you still continued. You were really tired today, you had to do a ton of work and all for not being at the office for a while. Roderich pitied you to be honest, he just doesn't shows. He glanved over at your tired form and sighed, you noticed him eyeing you and blushed a little.

"Y/n, take a break."

"Wait a second sir." You ignored what he said and continued typing. He sighed for another time.

"Y/n, jou may now take a break. Jou've been working since you entered my office."

"But sir I--"

"Just take a break L/n, I don't want my employees getting stressed too much." Sighing, you rubbed your sore eyes and stood up.

"Alright then sir, do you perhaps need anything while I take my break?"

"Nein. I'll be fine liebe."




"Alright then sir."


Sorry, short chapter, I hope you all enjoy though. I'll be trying to update really frequently. I'm sorry again

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