• Chapter 22 •

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"Mr. Edelstein!" You made your way to the said male while holding the files you just did a while ago. "Sir!" Roderich finally faved you with his normal expression.

"Ah, Y/n, vhat is it?" You suddenly bowed in front of him.

"Thank you for paying my brother's fee." You blushed, you didn't really know what to say to him but you wanted to thank him anyway. He looked at you with dilated eyes but then it softened and he smiled his charming smile at you.

"Zhat's not a problem liebe-"

"Sir, since I wanted to pay you back, you wouldn't have to give me money at my pay day."


"But Mr. Roderich I want to pay you."

"I'll zhink about it Y/n. Let's just go for a while." Holy awesomeness! Thank God he didn't remembered last week.


That same day Roderich had visited his uncle who was quite a kind yet a pushy kind of man who. They were currently talking at the dining room, both sitting on their own chairs as they did.

"So, Roderich, m-boy, How is life going on?"

"It's quite fine uncle, alzhought, I have some problems here and zhere."

"Yes, yes, anyhow, have jou already found a girlfriend?" This was the question he was trying to avoid. Roderich was frozen in his spot whilst looking at his food. His grandfather then let out a chuckle. "Jou still haven't?"

"I don't have time for love."

"Ah, just zhe same as zhe last time I saw you. Say, how about I find you some. Oh wait, aren't you engaged to Elizabeta?"

"No, I called off that engagement."

"Eh? How come?"

"Ich have my own reasons uncle. Now, what is it that jou want to talk about."

"Well, since jour fazher is away, he wants me to check on you. He also told me zhat if jou still don't have any relationship of some sort, I will have to find you one. Zhat dosen't sound too bad, ja?"

"Ja, it's zhe worst. I'm leaving uncle." With that, the brunette stood from his seat and walked away, but before he could even exit the whole house, his uncle called for him.

"Roderich! Wait!" He turned his face to the direction of his uncle who was running to him.

"Vhat is it again uncle?"

"Jour fazher told me zhat if jou don't have a girlfriend/wife when he gets back, he will engage you again to Elizabeta." The austrian suddenly became annoyed. He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.

"Vhen will he come back uncle?"

"In about a few monzhs, I suppose?"

"Fine, I'll give it a try." With that he continued his way out of the mansion while in a slightly annoyed mood. "Vhy is mein life even like zhis?"


"Y/n, I need to talk to jou." You looked away from your computer and stared at Roderich,

"Yes boss?"

"Y/n, jou need to agree first wizh zhe terms and conditions." You were a bit weirded out by his words but nodded anyway. You didn't really gave a fuck, it's just probably about some work stuff. But..... "Alright, so first, jou have to promise me to not disagree wizh zhis, alright?" You made a face, now you were really scared of what will happen next. Will he fire you or something?


"Very well, and don't freak out, don't tell zhis to anyone, understand?" Is he part of the mafia?! 0-0, holy hell!? Is he going to keep me as prisoner? Is he.......

"No......" you mumbled, not even thinking.

"Huh? Well, alright zhen never mind about it. Go back to work."

"Boss, you're-you......."

"I vhat?"

"Are you going to tell that, YOU'VE MURDERED SOMEONE?!" He put a lone finger in his lips, signalling you to quit yelling.

"Ssssh! Quiet!"

"So you did?!"

"Y/n, please let me finish."

"I'm gonna call the cops." You immediately took out your phone and was about to call the cops when he took it away.

"Nein! Jou have to let me finish first Y/n. Vhat I was trying to say is zhat, I need jou to help me wizh somezhing."

"You want me to help you hide a body?! Hell no! I'm outta here!" You nearly stomped out of the room but Roderich pulled you inside again. "Nooo! Let me go boss! I won't tell anyone! I'm gonna help you! I promise, just don't kill me!!!"


"Please don't kill me Mr. Edelstein."



"Y/N! STOP IT ALREADY! I DIDN'T DO ANYZHING BAD! I just need jour help, not for hiding a body-"

"Oh, so you already did it by yourself?" Roderich was really annoyed at the point.

"Y/n, if you speak about that once more I'm going to fire you." You were scared so you just decided to shut up and be quiet. "Good, now, I know I'm not supposed to do zhis but-"

"You want me to help you with kidnapping?" Roderich's eye twitches, telling that he was literally annoyed.

"Y/n! Will you shut up for a second?!"

"Yes sir....."

"Now, I need jour help about somezhing important."

"Do you need me to sell drugs so you won't get caught?"


"Alright boss, I'll shut my mouth. This better be good."

"Anyhow, I need jou to pretend-"

"That I like Ms. Elizabeta? Hell no, I'll just sell drugs then."

"Y/N! Vhen will jou stop cutting my sentences?!"

"Sorry again sir," Roderich let out a sigh and was about to say something again when you opened your mouth but good thing he immediately took his tie off and tied it on your mouth.

"I'm really sorry for doing this to jou Y/n, but, jou really need to shut up for once." Aaaaah! He's gonna kill me?! Rape me? Kidnap me? Or something worse? No, no, no! Who will take care of my brother?! Tears began cascading down your eyes and you closed your e/n orbs. The tie on your mouth was tight and you couldn't really take it off since your arms are being trapped my your boss. My time had come, goodbye cruel world....... "Look Y/n, I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend."



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