• Chapter 15 •

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The Sound of His Heartbeat
Chapter 15


You were now at your living room, sitting in the couch while Roderich was at the other end. Awkward silence was between the two of you until Elizza finally entered the room. A blush coated both of you and Roderich's cheek as the black haired girl stood in front of you both with a tray in her hands.


"No thank you." Both you an dthe brunette male said in the same time, a darker blush coated both of your faces and you two looked away from the female.

"Aww come on guys, you better eat or you two will be late for work." Oh shit, how could I forgot?! Damn it Y/n. Your eyes were wide as you ran towards your room to change clothes. Meanwhile, Elizza and Roderich was left in the living room. The black haired girl noticed that the brunette still has a blush covering his face and smiled.

"You like Y/n, do you?" Roderich was silent for a moment then spoke,

"Vhy would jou zhink zhat?"

"Hmm, your eyes shows it."

"Vhat do jou mean by zhat?"

"Go change first, then I'll tell you." Elizza was holding some clothes(that came out of nowhere) and gave it to the still blushing male. "There's a bathroom near the kitchen, you can go and change there."

Roderich sighed and took the garments from the female's arms, he them proceeded to make his way to the bathroom where Elizza had told him.


"How could I do that?!" You told yourself while you were still changing, thinking of the things that happened earlier that day. Another sigh left your mouth and put on your shoes on, taking your shoulder bag with you, you left the room and went back to the living room. You saw Roderich already dressed, another blush coated your s/t cheeks and walked towards them.

"So are you gonna eat here?"

"No, we'll be going."

"You two sure?"

"Yes, we'll both just eat somewhere else."

"Alrighty then, see you two lovebirds."


"We're not!"


Your POV

Roderich and I had finally arrived the office. When the doors wer e shut uped I noticed that everyone stopped at what they were doing and looked at the both of us. We both stepped inside that the same time, all eyes were om us, I can feel some glares too. I ignored the unwanted attention and went to my cubicle as boss went to his own office. The others them began to whisper while some just continued on what they were doing.

"Are you finished with your work?" A sudden voice came from my back, turning around, I saw Ms. Elizabeta glaring at me.


"Yes, Elizabeta you can go back to my office, Y/n had already passed me the files that you gave her." Roderich's voice suddenly rang through my ears. Elizabeta kept her glare and walked back to Roderich's office. My eyes were wide as I looked at my brunette boss who was also looking at me.

"B-Boss I-I-"

"It's fine Y/n, you can now get back to work." I nodded in response and continued what I am doing, not noticing the eyes that were glaring daggers at me.


The Sound of His Heartbeat (Austria x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now