• Chapter 9 •

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Work, another day for this damn word. I quickly got up not caring about anything and changing, I then went downstairs where my friwnd was. She was making another bunch of her sandwiches, seriously, how does she even eat them.

"Hello Y/n, I made you lunch!" She said in her casual voice. Sighing, I went to get thr paper bag and ran to work, thinking about the strange dream I had last night. At the dream, I was in a dress, not just any dress. I was the type of dresses that medival princesses wore. Then there was a man with brunette hair. He was hugging me at my dream. It's kinda familiar.

"I heard that there was a new boss, he just got here this morning" some of my co-workers whispered.

"Well that's nice, I hope he's nice" said the other one.

"Ya know, I heard that he is single" Ugh here we go again. These two were always like that.

"Ohhh~ That's fancy, I'm already sure he'll fall for me" Tsk, what a woman. "A-" my co-worker didn't got to finish her sentence because the door had opened with a loud 'bang'. Whisperes coated the whole room as a man stood with two bodyguards.

"Good morning to all, s you know, I Am your new president, Things shall be change soon as I will stay here longer, I hope you all good luck, please do continue with what you are doing." Wait, that voice is very familiar. It's like I heard it before. How odd. His face is also a little familiar but I don't know who he is. I've never met this man. As I was thinking, I didn't notice him look at me then became dilated as he stared to my eyes.


Roderich's POV

These woman was familiar, it's like I've seen her before, but I didn't. It's really hard to explain. Anyways, I sighed as I sat in my desk thinking of the familiar woman. Her h/c hair, her e/c eyes. There was something about her that is so familiar. I just can't put. I just can't tell. And it's making my mind crazy.

"Sir, here are the files you asked for"

"Very well, you are dismissed"

"Thank you sir" Savannah then left. I looked through the files and saw another thing that made me shocked.

Name : Y/n L/n

It was very familiar yet I don't know who she really was. How odd.


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