• Chapter 2 •

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"Y/n, it's rude to talk like that, I am sorry prince Roderich, please sit down, you too Y/n so we can discuss your marriage."


"WHAT?!" This man?! I have imagined him to be an actual man, well he still is a man but, it's kind of hard to explain. But this, I'm gonna have a hard time with him.

"Yes you and Y/n, by the way, Y/n this is prince Roderich Edelstein, Roderich this is my daughter, Y/n." Seriously mom? Dad? This man? For real?!

"It's nice to meet you, princess Y/n." I haven't done anything to him and he acts like we've been rivals for life. Geez, this man is not my type(not yet =w=).

"You too, prince Roderich." We glared at each other what it seems like a million years until my father interrupted us at out little 'staring contest'.

"Ahem, so shall we start the plan?"


"Y/n I would like you and prince Roderich to get to know each other." Is this torture? If it is then kill me already. I'd rather die that be with that man.

"Dosen't sound so bad to me."

"But father-"

"-No buts young lady, your mother and I are going to ground you if you didn't do what I said." It's not like being grounded is hard. Or bad.

"Listen to your father Y/n."

"Oh shut up! It's not like being grounded is bad!"

"Then if you don't do what I said I will lock you up with Roderich for a month, he is staying here for 6 months anyway." Couldn't this day get any worse???

"Hmm, it sounds too harsh."


"No." Father left with my mouth agape, and my face showed annoyance as I looked at Roderich.

"I'm not as bad as you thought of me."

"Argghhh, Fine, I guess I'll have to give it a try." With a groan I took his hand forcefully and fastly dragged him to the castle's garden.

"A lady dosen't walk like that."

"Shut up."


The whole day I spent my time with Roderich, I got to be honest but he has a hidden softness. He was right that he isn't really that bad. He did acted like a strict snob when we met, but he wasn't all like that. I also think I have developed feelings with him.

"You know what, you aren't really that bad." I laughed as he gave a smile. How cute- wait, what?!

"Cute, huh?" Oh my god! He read me mind me???

"Of course not, I just heard you whispering to yourself" Aahhhhh! He heard what I was- wait, I was whispering to myself? Oh god I think that he thinks I'm weird right now.

"Not really, you're unique to be honest." He again, gave a smile. It made my cheeks tint pink.

"Uhh sorry hehe, I just really have a bad habit of doing that." Yep, really bad.

"No no it's fine, I found it. . . .interesting."

"Really? Huh, didn't expect you to say that."

"Well, I did." I stared at him for a moment and smiled.

"Oh well, I guess here's my final destination, do you need anything?"

"Nothing really."

"Alrighty then, Good night...."

"Good night m'lady." he did a playful bow, so did I, I even kissed his cheeks without his permission. Oh goodness. I quickly entered my room and shut the large door close. What have I done?! Ahhhhh! I'm so embarassed right now.


Roderich's POV

The princess of C/n just kissed my cheek. Im really blushing right now, I don't know what do do. We just hated each other when we met. We just spent time then this is what happens?! I think I have developed feelings for her, but,

"Prince Roderich, what are you doing in princess Y/n door?" Oh god, how great. Note the Sarcasm.

"Oh- I-uhh Nothing, I just walked her, I'm going to my room now."

"Alright your majesty."


Editor : Dishonor-on-you

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