• Chapter 26 •

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A/n:Let's just skip to the point, shall we?


You didn't know how this hell happened but for some reason, you and your boss just got a fight about the pretending thing. You see, you started it because you might have told Gilbert about you and Rod's secrets. He didn't want that, this wasn't a simple problem anymore. You were also tired of pretending, acting like, faking it all. You were hurt. But then you decided to hurt yourself more when his father just invited you both to a fancy dinner with Elizza well, because about how she lied that you were her adpoted sister and all aaaannd her parents are busy for some reason. You and Roderich had to go together but no! Instead, you both didn't talk and here you two are now. Staring at eachother with Gilbert on your side adn Elizabeta on his, hooking her arms around him. Your blood boiled in anger, How dare he?! Same as him, How dare she?!

***Let's go back to the past***

You couldn't take it anymore, eachday you pretended you get hurt. Right now you were arguing with Roderich because of the stunt you just pulled a while ago. Now Gilbert knows both your secrets, not that it's that bad but--it freaking was! He's Gilbert Beilschmidt, like, hello?! One of Gabriel Edelstein's business partners, he might also find out about that.

"Vhy zhe hell would jou say zhat to him?!" Roderich shouted angrily, shooting a glare to your direction.

"He wouldn't tell anyone Roderich!"

"Zhat's vhat jou zhink?! He had a loud mouzh! He could just accidentally spill it to zhe media and get to my fazher in just a few seconds!"

"I'm sorry! Alright! I didn't mean it! I just really wanted to tell a friend besides Elizza!" You yelled back at him, getting calmer and calmer by second. He was the opposite. He was furious just about a simple(not really) thing. "Besides, How hard could it possibly be?" That was just a little loud.....

"Vhat? Jou're saying zhat as if zhere's no problem? Vhat zhe hell is wrong wizh jou!? Don't jou dare talk to me ever again! Our contract is over!(if there even is one)"

"FINE! IT'S NOT LIKE I WANTED IT ANYWAY!" That made both their hearts shatter into million of pieces. The next thing the knew is that they were invited to a fancy dinner by Roderich's dad.

***Back to the present***

The awkward silence was coating the whole room up, Gabriel suddenly entered but then stopped at his tracks when he saw his son and soon-to-be-daughter-in-law sending passionate daggers to eachother with their partners. The silence was immediately shut by clinking of footsteps but it abruptly stopped when the person was on the door. Eyes wide in shock as she watched the scene unfold.

"Children, have a seat, will jou?" Gabriel stated, the five followed his words and sat to their assignated chairs, the tension was more thick by the time. Violet eyes crashing to your e/c ones, not even breaking your eyes contact, "Ms. Anderson, haven't jou got someone wizh jou?"

"Oh, he's running a bit late Mr. Gabriel, i apolozige for that."

"Ahh, no worries Ms. Anderson, anyhow, do jou all have somezhing to explain to me? And mind if I ask why is everyone surprisingly silent." Not a word was spoken. Not even a breath was heard, all were completely noiseless. "Very well zhen, Roderich, I zhought you were bringing Y/n, not Elizabeta."

"My apologies fazher, she seem to have someone wizh her so I just did zhat too--" before further explanations, you slapped a hand on the table beforr standing up.

"My apologies Mr. Gabriel, but it seems that your son had misunderstood. I saw him with someone and so I decided to just someone with me either." Elizza wanted to get out of the scene so badly, so does you and Roderich so avoid more heartbreaks. It already pained you both to see eachother with different persons than them.

"Settle down!" Gabriel's voice then came booming through the room to not cause more fights. Both you and Roderich sat down at the same time before eyeing eachother with hardened gazes. Gabriel couldn't help but sigh before gently taking his seat and snapping his pale fingers together. Instantly, a line of butlers and maid had entered the room to serve the food. A lot of dishes were on the grand table, main dishes, desserts, side dishes and the speciality, wine. Again silence wss the only thing in the room after the maids and butlers left, "You are all now allowed to eat." After a few seconds you stood up from your chair, you head low and you had a frown on your s/t face.

"I'm sorry, excuse me..." then you walked out of the dining room. What you didn't know is that Roderich did the same and ran after you. Elizabeta tried to make him stay, his father told him to stay either, heck even Gilbert did, but he didn't. He ran after you and you could literally hear his footsteps coming closer and closer to you, making you pace much faster. You took a turn and exited from there, running towards the gate but he was stil hot on your tail.


"..." You didn't reply, you kept running until you reached the front gate, dashed out of the mansion and rushed to the nearest place you could find which is a public bathroom but you didn't really had the time to enter whrn your wrist was pulled.

"Y/n! Please!" You could hear the pain in his voice when he called for you, stopping completely, you hung your head low,

"What do you want?" You asked coldly, not bothering to look behind you. He placed a hand on your shoulder to let you face him,


"Don't call me that!"

"Y/n, hear me out! I-I j-just wanted to apologize. Y/n...."


"Liebe, look into my eyes." You hesitated before looking at them. Those shiny violet eyes that you fell for. Some past memores came flooding back to your mind, as well as a deep sea of emotions. Tears began cascading down from both your eyes as you stared at eachother.




"Roddie~ Guess who?" The cheerful girl wrapped her arms on the brunette male's eyes making him chuckle.

"I know it's jou N/n." You know, this was in the past, back from when they were still in the younger eatth years.

You took your hans off his eyes, latting him see your beautiful s/t face and shining e/c eyes. "Awww, how do you always know?"

"Vho else could it be?"

"A random maid?"

"Zhat's just stupid." A giggle erupted from her anyway


"Roddie, I missed you." You cried more, burying your face on his shoulder, staining his jacket/blazer with your hot and salty tears.

"N/n, I missed jou too. Liebe." You both engulfed eachother with your embraces until you both pulled away. Staring into both your eyes, you both smiled.

"I love you Roddie."

"Ich liebe dich auch N/n." You both hugged once more, you pressed your face into his chest and listened to The Sound of His Heartbeat.

The end


Yo yo yo! Waddup! Finally finished this book, I'm so proud of myself, is the ending too short? I really apologize for that, anyways, I do hope you all enjoy the crappy ending I just made, and you should all know that I cried while writing this........you can complain if it's not enough and I'll try to make a better one as much as possible anyways that's all for today, hope y'all enjoy baii baii everyone(✿^▽^)ノ

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