• Chapter 4 •

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It was yet another day. I woke up with the sunlight hitting my face as I opened my eye. It blinded me for a second so I rubbed my eyes then opened them again. I looked around my room and saw the usual thing I saw every morning. I sighed and changed my clothes. I then went out of my room to check for Y/n.

"Wait, don-"

When I entered I was surprised to see that she was still changing her clothes. A dark blush crawled up to my cheeks as I look longer. Oh no, why? Look away, look away, look away. I immediately looked away and shut the door mumbling an apology. How can I confront her now? I just saw her half naked. Goodness Roderich! How could you do this to yourself?!

"Roderich? You can enter now." I heard a familiar voice from the inside of the room. Another dark blush came to my cheeks as I entered once more. I can't help but think of dirty things. Mein Gott! Hold yourself Roderich. You are a gentleman and you respect women. "Rod are you okay?"

"-Oh yes yes, I'm sorry for a while ago. I didn't mean to enter suddenly" She then giggled and spoke.

"Don't worry, it's fine really. So why's you went here?"

"Oh, I forgot, would you like to walk with me?"

"That's surprisingly new Roddie~ But sure! Just give me a minute, I need to fix my hair"

"Alright, I shall wait outside." With that I left her room. An image of her in the past scenario suddenly popped in my head. Another blush came up to my cheeks, the door suddenly open and showed Y/n in a neat bun, she was wearing a gorgeous f/c colored gown.

"Let's go!" With that she again dragged me out of the castle as I followed with a smile. She dragged me to the garden where ecerything was fresh and airy. The wind blew lightfully as we ran around. Y/n was enjoying and so was I. I then thought of Elizabeta again, but I removed it out of my head and followed the laughing girl. For 4 month of being together, I think I have been falling for her. I don't even want to go back at Austria yet. All my thoughts were immediately cut by Y/n yelling. "Roderich! C'mere! I saw a kitty" raising my brow, I walked to her and saw what she said, it was a small white cat, somehow the cat's eyes let me remember of Y/n's. It was the same shade as hers, even the same color. "It's sooooo cuutteee, I want to keep it" Y/n said in awe.

"Shouldn't you tell your parents first?"

"But I want it!" She whined, this girl is going to be the death of me, I think? With a sigh I replied,

"Alright then, just don't let your parents see it"

"You won't tell them either?"




"I'm gonna name her p/n"


"Rod are you even listening?"

"Yes yes"


"Princess, you mother and father called for you" Y/n must be thinking 'Oh no' right now. Well I am not really sure about that.

"Alrighty, Roddie you can stay here and wait for me"


"See you Roderich!"

"You too"


Editor : I don't actually remember

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