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Pov Yoongi

"Alright class, I have some news" our school is joining a exchange program you don't have to go but we will get I student of America here for two months he will be in this class so prepare and be nice to him" my teacher said.

A guy, I hope he is handsome, and gay that would also work a little better.

"miss" Beakhyun spoke. Ugh I hate that guy he always asks things. Every time my teacher says something you hear Beakhyun. "when is he coming"

"his plane goes tomorrow so over two days he will arrive but he probably will have a jetlack so we gave him another day of so in four days he will be here"

When I came home after a very long day of school my mom had some news for me.

"yoongs" she spoke "we will have a guest the next two months" I couldn't believe it "is the exchange kid gonna live here!" I screamed happy. I was craving for somebody my age. I was only child and didn't have much friends.

"yeah if it's okay with you" mom said "of course it is okay with me is he sleeping in my room" I asked "do we have other rooms" my mom said sarcastic I flew around her neck "thank you thank you thank you" I said about a hundred times

I couldn't wait till tomorrow. I planned on picking him up at the airport if only I knew what he looked like.....

Next chapterrrr

I'm currently waiting for my little brother to get out of school because I had to pick him up

So im writing this while their are parents all around me

What am I doing with my life

Purple y'all💜💜

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