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Back to 'the worst day ever'

Pov Jimin

I turned around one last time only to see the love of my life crying his eyes out. I waved and walked further, I hated to see Yoongi crying and I hated this moment. I don't want to go back to Amerika, I want my mom to move to Daegu. That way I can be with Yoongi everyday and I don't have to miss my mom.

After an hour I was high up in the air. I looked at the time to see if I could text my mom. Which luckily could.

Hi mom, I'm in my plane can't wait to see you again.

Hi sweetheart, that's great to hear I also can't wait to see you again.

Are you picking me up??

Of course I am, and when you come back you have to tell me everything about your sweet boyfriend.

Oh I will, I probably won't be able to stop talking about him.

Hahahaha I'll see you soon sweetheart.

See you soon mom.

Thinking about Yoongi made me cry again. It was so hard not to know when I would see him again. I wanted to tekst him but people were already staring at me sobbing and if I would text him I would only sob harder.

I putted my earbuds in and started watching a movie. And after a long 12 hour flight I finally landed. I dicided to let Yoongi know so he wouldn't get worried.

I finally landed.

My whole world🌍❤️
Good to hear babe, I'll visit you soon.


My whole world🌍❤️
Ily2 baby😘💋

The plane stood still and I got out. When I walked out the gate I saw me mom and tears started forming in my eyes. I ran towards her and gave her a big hug.

"I missed you so much mom" "I missed you to sweetheart." we walked towards mom's car and loaded my stuff in. Once in the car my mom really wanted to know things about Yoongi.

"so tell me about that boyfriend of yours" she said. "well, his name is Min Yoongi he is 16 years old and lives in Daegu, he is only child and lives with his mom and dad. We now have 1 month and two weeks a relationship. He is the sweetest man ever, he cares more about me than about himself. He always took me out for the most romantic dates." I smiled with tears streaming down my face." you really miss him huh" my mom said and placed her hand on my tigh. I nodded and for the God knows how many times in the past 24 hours I broke down.

When we came home I was still crying and my mom was rubbing my tigh. We walked in and putted all my stuff on the right places in my room, my mom managed to calm me down by talking about her 2 months. When we got down again she made me some tea and a piece of chocolate cake.

"can you tell me something about the school you went to" my mom asked and I nodded. "it was a art school so I could dance and sing almost everyday. I learned a lot of new dances and I can speak a very little bit Korean. At the school I made 5 new friends they are Yoongi's best friends. Let me show you them."

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