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Pov Jimin

Today me and Yoongi are looking for a house, we saw multiple houses on internet but there was this one house that got our attention. It was a big house with 3 bedrooms all with their own bathroom, a big living room and kitchen and a enormous garden with pool.

 It was a big house with 3 bedrooms all with their own bathroom, a big living room and kitchen and a enormous garden with pool

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We arrived at the house and we immediately fell in love with it. The salesman took us in and gave a tour. When we came home I told my mom about the house and she saw how excited we were about it and told us we had to buy it.

Yoongi and I thought about it a little more but we just couldn't find reasons not to buy it. So we called the salesman and actually bought the house. It felt so great I felt so independent. And I was going to live woth the love of my life!!

The next day we went to pick up the key and showed my mom the house. My mom really loved it and was happy for us. Yoongi and I decided to make one of the rooms a guest room and of course one ours and the other room we would leave empty for maybe a family expansion.

We slept one night at my moms and the next day we would move all of our stuff to our new house. That night I couldn't sleep and so I also kept Yoongi awake, the whole night we talked about our new home and our future and even kids came up. But not yet, I mean I'm only sixteen and Yoongi is seventeen. It's already a big step to buy a house at this age.

When finally the morning came Yoongi and I started packing and moving everything to our new house. We putted everything in place and eventually at 10 in the evening we finished. We ordered some pizza since we didn't have dinner yet and we were both to tired to cook.

That night I slept great and so did Yoongi. We had a long sleep, well after we did some other stuff. The next morning we woke up at 11 am got out of bed and made a delicious breakfast. I already had a job but since Yoongi just moved here he was workless. So we dicided to find a job for him. He loved music and was actually a good producer. So we decided that we would look in that direction.

We fond this produce management and signed him up. The same day we got a call that he had to write a song and produce it in 2 weeks and then send it to them, by the quality of the song they would decide if they would hire him or not. Yoongi asked me if I could sing the song and of course I agreed.

It's been two weeks now and Yoongi finished his song. The past two weeks he has been working on the song 24/7 but it turned out amazing. He sended the song to the management and a couple hours later he got a call that said he got accepted. We celebrated with dinner and at night. We'll you know.

I'm sorry chapter's are getting shorter I just don't have much inspiration atm.

Purple y'all💜💜

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