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Jimin Pov

After 12 hours of being in this plane I was so done with it. I threw up 5 times since we were in the air. Yoongi always came to comfort me and it was really sweet. He always asked me if I felt okay and told me it was going to be over soon.

Now, after 12 hours of being in the air we finally arrived in Korea. It felt amazing being back. Yoongi told me he could fix a hotel to stay for the first night but I told him I wanted to go to the guys. We called a cab and he drove us to their shared home.

Once we arrived I, for some reason, started to feel nervous

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Once we arrived I, for some reason, started to feel nervous. It's been so long since we've seen them. The last time was with Namjoon and Jin's wedding and that was 5 years ago. Also we were gonna tell I was pregnant. What if they didn't accept the baby. Yoongi squeezed my hand and looked at me with a calming smile on his face. He told me everything was going to be alright. I nodded and we walked up to the front door. Yoongi knocked on the door and soon after Jin opened the door.

"oh my gawd" he said and almost flew around our necks. Namjoon came up to the door. "what's wrong ba- Oh my wow" Namjoon said as he also started hugging us. Soon after all the boys came outside and we had a little cuddle party in the front yard. "come in guys, you must be tired of the flight" Jin said and we walked in. We sat down on the couch and started talking with the guys. Jin brought us some water and also sat down.

After two hours of being our crackhead selfs Jin started making dinner while Hoseok showed us our room. It was a really big and beautiful room.

Hoseok left us to settle down and fresh ourselves up

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Hoseok left us to settle down and fresh ourselves up. "so how are we gonna tell them" I asked Yoongi since it was the only thing I could think of. Yoongi headed over to his suitcase and grabbed a shirt from it. The shirt had two little feet on it and said: guess what.

I put on the shirt and me and Yoongi walked down stairs

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I put on the shirt and me and Yoongi walked down stairs. Nobody seemed to notice so I kept my mouth shut. We sat down at the dinner table since dinner was almost ready. Jungkook was the first to notice. "Jimin-hyung, why does your shirt say guess what" he said and the others start staring to my shirt. Then something clicked in tae's head. "omg are you pregnant" he screamed out. I nodded and all the boys started cuddling me happily.

Then they noticed Yoongi and also started cuddeling him, gosh they are so chaotic. We talked about the baby while eating dinner. After dinner we all changed in cringey animal onesies and watched a movie. I was sitting close to Yoongi while his hand was on my belly and then suddenly we both felt a little kick, me to my belly Yoongi to his hand. We both gasped and got stares from the others.

"the baby just kicked for the first time." I said and all the guys jump almost on me. All saying they wanted to feel it to. They all felt the baby kick and when they calmed down again we continued to watch the movie. When it was finished Tae was asleep, his head resting on Jungkook's chest. Namjoon and Jin were cuddeling, Jim also almost asleep. Hoseok was making himself something to drink and me and Yoongi were close to each other. His and still on my belly as our baby gave a kick every once in a while.

We all got up to our rooms, Yoongi carried me since I was really tired (and lazy) he carefully placed me on the bed and then also got in. I snuggled myself i his chest. He placed his arm around me and in that position we both fell asleep.

Jimin's dream

I woke up in a white room, the only thing that could be heared was crying, the crying of a baby. I looked trough the room and saw some doctors with a little baby girl in one of their arms. They were all giving her injections which made her cry it out.

Then I realized the baby was mine, it was my baby they were hurting. I yelled at them but nothing came out. I tried to move but was stuck on the bed. The only thing I could do was watch as the tortured my baby. I looked around the room to find Yoongi but he was nowhere to found.

They kept giving my baby injections. One after another, they just didn't stop. My baby cried out her little lungs. It hurted so much watching this. I closed my eyes so I didn't have to watch it anymore but her cries could still be heard.

End of the dream.

I sat up straight, tears streaming down my face. Yoongi also woke up and hugged my tight , while saying shooting words. "t-they hurted h-her" I said, still sobbing. "who" Yoongi asked as he kept shooting me. "our b-baby" I managed to get out "they h-hurted her" "hey calm down, it was just a dream, nobody will ever hurt our baby okay" Yoongi said and I calmed down a little. "her" Yoongi said and I looked at him confused. "you said they hurted HER" Yoongi said and I nodded "yeah, we had a daughter." i said and Yoongi just smiled before laying us both down again and not long after we were both asleep again.

What you guys think of the book so far. I have absolutely no idea how long it is gonna be.

Also it is currently 00.30. I really need to go sleep. Ah well one more chapter won't matter.

Btw I dont even know if Jimin is far enough in his pregnancy to feel kicks already but well. Who cares.

Purple y'all💜💜

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