Twenty Three

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Pov Yoongi

Today we are going back home, I'm very sad but also kinda happy we're going back home. Also I was kinda scared, Jimin was already 4 months pregnant and I was afraid things would go wrong.

Me and Namjoon loaded our stuff in Jins car as Jimin was already hugging the guys. I also said the guys goodbye and Jin drove us off to he airport. Jimin next to him since he needed his space with his baby numb. I sat in the back by myself. On our way to the airport we sang our longs out.

Once we arrived we said goodbye to Jin and he drove away. I grabbed all the stuff Jimin said he wanted to help but I didn't want to risk anything. Also I wanted to be a good boyfriend caring for my pregnant boy.

When we arrived at the right gate one of the stewardesses walked up to us. "excuse me" she said "are you guys taking the flight to America" me and Jimin nodded. "well one of the first class bookings has been canceled so we have space for two, I thought maybe you would like that" she said looking at Jimin's bumb. "we would love that" Jimin said smiling. He took the tickets from the stewardess and we walked further to the plane.

We arrived at the first class and damn it was amazing. Chairs were at least 1 meter separated from each other so we had a lot of leg space. Also you could pull the arm rests up so me and Jimin bassicaly had a love seat so we could cuddle. We got up in the air and one of the stewardesses came up to us.

"well aren't you a lovely couple" she Said sweetly. "would you guys like something to drink or maybe eat" she asked and headed us a menu. We gave through our orders and she walked away. Me and Jimin picked out a movie to watch, after 10 minutes the same stewardess came up with our orders. We continued the movie, halfway my eyes started getting heavier and when I looked at Jimin I saw he was asleep already. I stopped the movie and also went to sleep.

After 3 hours of sleep I was woken up by Jimin, he said the baby kicked again but as hard as she did last time. Tears began forming in his eyes from the pain. I hugged him immediately trying to comfort him but it didn't seem to work. Jimin started crying softly not wanting to bother the other passengers. Luckily a stewardess noticed us and walked over to us.

"sir, are u ou okay" she asked and I explained the situation. She took us over to a little room with a doctor in it. I again explained the situation and the doctor gave jimin some medicine. He also told me that massaging would help. We walked back over to our seets and I started massaging Jimin's shoulders and back. Luckily this did work.

After a long 12 hours we landed in America, we called a cab and he drove us home. When we arrived home it was 1 am so Jimin and I went upstairs. Jimin immediately fell asleep but I dicided to give the guys a text.

We arrived home!!

Eomma Jin🤗💙
Good to hear

Thanks for letting us know Hyung

Take good care of Jimin-Hyung

A cup of Tae☕
And let us know when the baby is coming

Goodnight guys

I heard a notification from Jimin's phone as the bits all send a message. I laid down my phone and place my arm around Jimin, he immediately started hugging me and I hugged him back. With that we both fell asleep.

I know guys, it was a short chapter. Again. But my inspiration is just very low at this point.

I'm so sorry, I'm doing my best to make chapters as long as possible.

Purple y'all💜💜

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