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Pov Yoongi

It has been 2 weeks since Jimin had the accident. He still didn't woke up. I haven't left the hospital since I first arrived. Jimin's mom comes by every day but sleeps at home.

Today Jimin's mom is coming late at night because she has to work. My day was the same as always. Holding Jimin's hand while my head laid on his legs. I just laid there everyday talking to him, hoping he would talk back or at least squeeze my hand. But no, I've been here for 2 weeks and still absolutely nothing.

The hours past by and I fell asleep. But then suddenly I woke up by someone saying my name. "Yoongi" I heard someone say and that someone was crying. First I thought it was Ms. Park but when I opened my eyes I looked straight into my boyfriend's eyes. He was awake, he actually was awake! At first I just stared at him but then tears formed in my eyes. We both leaned forward and fell into a deep and loving kiss.

I told Jimin about the past two weeks why I am here and everything else. Then a doctor came in and saw Jimin was awake. "Mr. Park how are you feeling" the doctor said. "my head hurts a little but besides that I'm feeling great." "good to hear do you want me to call your mom to see you." Jimin looked at me and I told him she would come tonight. He said no to the doctor because he wanted to spent some more time with me.

The doctor left and Jimin told me to lay down next to him. I got into his bed and he immediately started cuddling me. I hugged him back and we stayed like this till Jimin's mom arrived. We cuddled, talked and stealed kisses from each other every now and then.

Aroud 7 pm Ms. Park arrived, her jaw dropped when she saw Jimin awake. Tears fell down her face and she ran towards us and started hugging Jimin tight. Jimin explained why he didn't call her in the first place and she understood.

The rest of the night the 3 of us talked and laughed a lot. The doctor stopped by once and told us Jimin had to stay one more night and tomorrow he could go home. Jimin's mom left and me and Jimin went to sleep.

The next day we packed all the stuff and went home, since Jimin was still a little weak I carried him home from the car and laid him in bed. I laid down next to him and the rest of the day we cuddled. Jimin asked me how long I would stay, then all my plans came back. "well I actually wanted to ask you something about this" I started "what do you say we gonna look for a apartment in the neighborhood and then live together. Jimin's face lighted up.

"omg hyung are you serious" Jimin said happily and hugged me tight. I hugged him back and smiled. I missed this guy so so much, and now we were moving in together.


So I am currently at school and my friends are talking to me but I am not answering cause I'm writing.

A couple minutes ago the fire alarm went of and my whole school had to go outside but there was no fire🙄

Purple y'all💜💜

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