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Pov Yoongi

Today I'm going to pick Jimin up from the airport. My mom sent me his picture and I couldn't stop staring at it. He is so handsome.

I grabbed my mom's car and drove to the airport. And it may sound weird, a 16 year old in a car but I do have my driver's license so don't worry.

I arrived at the airport and searched for gate 3. There were only a few people there and I was one of them.

I found a place to stand so he could see me clearly. Next to me stood a whole family with a sign that said. "Welcome home sweetie pie" great now I wanna now who sweetie pie is.

When the first people started to come out my mind totally focused on Jimin. And then suddenly I saw a blond boy who was wearing black sweatpants and a black hoodie. He looked up and I saw his handsome face.

He walked up to me "Hi I'm Jimin you are Yoongi right?" he said but I couldn't answer. I was blinded by his handsome face. "Uhm excuse me are you Yoongi?" he said again and finally I was dragged out of my trans.

"Uhm yeah, hi I'm Yoongi" "I'm Jimin" he said again and we shook hands "Let's put your luggage in my car and go home you must be tired", I said. He shook his head and we headed to my car.

Pov Jimin

When the plane finally landed I quickly walked out. I couldn't wait to see him. I stared half the flight to the picture he was sooo good looking.

I walked out of the gate and saw him standing there. He wore ripped denim pants and a white hoodie. I walked up to him. "Hi you are Yoongi right?" I asked but he didn't respond. He just stared to me. "Uhm excuse me you are Yoongi right?" I said again and finally he resonded

"Uhm yeah I'm Yoongi" "I'm Jimin" I said and we shook hands. "Let's bring your luggage to my car and go home you must be tired." he said and I nodded. I really was tired. But wait did he just say his CAR . Omg he has a car I gotta marry this guy.

Pov Yoongi

When we arrived home. My mom greated Jimin and started asking him all kinds of questions."Mom leave him alone. He just had an 12 hour flight" I said "That's right, Yoongi go show him your bedroom so he can sleep" me and Jimin walked upstairs and I showed him my, well our bedroom "I'm really sorry we don't have other bedrooms so you have to sleep with me, is that okay?" I asked him.

"Of course I'm already happy I can sleep somewhere" he said and I laughed a little. He smiled and omg he has the cutest smile ever when his smiles you can't see his eyes because of his chubby cheeks.

"well you can sleep on the mattress but if you want you can also sleep in my bed I won't be here now so." I said and Jimin choose my bed. It was a two persons bed so we could sleep together..... 

Pov Jimin

Yoongi left and I got in his bed. Damn this is soft. And in 5 minutes I was already asleep.

" Jimin" someone whispered next to my ear. "hmmm" I hummed "dinner is ready are you coming" I heard the voice say "uh yeah I'll be down in 5 minutes" I said and the voice left.

I opened my eyes and everything came back. I was in Yoongi's bed and the voice was also him. I quickly changed and spattered some water in my face.

I got down and saw a really extended dinner. "wow that is a lot of food" I said and sat down next to Yoongi. Yoongi and his mom laughed and started eating.

Halfway dinner I heard the front door open. A man walked in and gave miss min a kiss on her cheek. He walked over to Yoongi and gave him a kiss on his head. "hi dad" Yoongi said and continued eating he walked over to me and shook my hand.

"you must be Jimin" he said and I nodded "it is a pleasure to meet you Mr Min" i said and smiled "it is nice to meet you to boy just know you're 100 procent welcome here, make it feel like home here" "I will Mr." I said

Mr Min sat down next to his wife and started eating. We all enjoyed dinner and after that me and Yoongi went upstairs. We dicided to watch a movie since Yoongi had a TV in his room.

We got in his bed and started watching but halfway I fell asleep. Yoongi tucked me in and also went to sleep.

Okay I feel like this one was a log longer.

I don't have much to say so just let me know what you think

Oh and don't be afraid to asked me questions if something is not clear.

Purple y'all💜💜

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