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Pov Jimin

When we arrived at school the next day, everybody started clapping for us. Me and Yoongi were confused af, two days ago nobody noticed us and now everybody was clapping, adoring us. "uhm excuse me but why are y'all clapping" Yoongi asked a random stranger.

"you guys were the reason seungri is gone" the stranger said and walked away "who is she talking about babe" I asked "the bully sweetie" Yoongi said. I nodded and we walked to our classroom. Hand in hand. The whole school clapping for us.

Pov Yoongi

I suddenly remembered today we got the lesson about lgtbq + and tbh I was kinda excited. We sat in our spots and the teacher started talking.

"okay guys, it's great that your all here and it is really nice having Jimin and Yoongi back. Talking about Jimin and Yoongi. Since they are such a special couple I thought we would have a whole lesson about it. Ladies and gentleman let me explain to you. Lgbtq +, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. I think you all know what lesbian and gay is-"." that's like Yoongi and Jimin" beakhyun interrupted without permission. "Yeah it is beakhyun, lesbian is as two girls are in a relationship and guy is the same but then with guys like the beautiful couple in our class. Bisexual is when a person is attracted to both genders and being a transgender means that you are born in the wrong body for example you are being born as a boy but you actually want to be a girl. The thing with this subject is that a lot of people think it is weird and a lot of gay people are afraid to come out of the closet which means telling people you're gay. I am really proud Jimin and Yoongi are this open about their relationship and are not afraid to come out.""miss can I say something" Jimin suddenly said. He walked towards the classroom. "you guys all know I'm gay but not everyone does. Back in America nobody knows, not even my mom, Yoongi was the first person to know and the reason that I'm so open about it here is because Yoongi makes me confident. He makes me this confident that I actually want to call my mom now and tell her. I think it is the best moment now since we have this lesson now." he said.

Jimin grabbed his phone and called his mom.

(jimin and his mom and Yoongi)

Hi sweetheart, why are you calling this late.

Hi mom, we have time difference remember.

Yeah I remember, so why did you call

Well I'm in class right now and we have a lgbtq lesson and I kinda have to tell you something.

Alright go ahead.

Mom. I'm gay, I have a boyfriend and he is such a sweetie and I get it if you're mad about it but I'm not gonna change.

Im happy for you Jimin, I don't care what gender you like as long as you're happy. About that boyfriend is he near you I wanna see him.

Yeah he is. Yoongs you can come please.

Yoongi stepped in front of the camera.

Hello miss Park, I'm Yoongi Jimin's boyfriend.

Well hello, nice to meet you. And Jimin good job he is handsome.

The whole class started laughing

Oh right I forgot you're in class, well I have to go now it is already really late here. I'll see you in a month sweetheart.

Bye mom I'll see you in a month.

Bye miss Park.

Call end

Pov Jimin.
We got in our places again.
"good job Jimin, that was really brave of you. Now guys I think you've learned enough about this subject. You all had a really good behavior so you can all go now, class dismissed."

Everybody started to pack their bags, just like me. But then Yoongi grabbed my arm and kissed me." great job babe, that was really brave of you. I'm proud of you. " those four words meant the world to me. Yoongi saying he is proud of me was all I needed at this moment. I hugged him tight and we walked out of class. Nobody could stop us. We were Yoonmin. Together we could handle the whole world.

Sorry if I hurted anyone with the bully, I actually only Stan bts so I asked my friend who the bully had to be and this is what she said.
For people who don't know him he is from bigbang

Purple y'all💜💜

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