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Pov Jimin

Today me and Yoongi had a day of so I could heal. To be honest I was already feeling really good, but to spend a day with my boyfriend you don't have to ask me twice.

The boys said the would come over after school so we had till 2 pm the time to do things together. We dicided to go out for breakfast. We found this restaurant where you could eat American breakfast so we went there so Yoongi could see how I live.

We both ordered the tipical American breakfast and waited for our food. We had the most weird ass Conversational material but we had fun. When our food came we got a plate full of pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs. We also got a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice.

We really enjoyed the food and Yoongi said we had to eat this when he was going to visit me when I go back. It was that moment I realised I only had 1 month left with Yoongi. The first month went by like snow in the sun.

"why do you suddenly look so sad baby, did I say something wrong" he asked worried. "i just realised we only have a month left" I said and a tear rolled out of my eye. "baby no don't cry, we might only have a month left here but I'm gonna visit you and we can message and call and video chat" he said and it made me a little happier.

We continued eating and when we finished Yoongi paid and we walked out hand in hand. When we got back home Yoongi suddenly picked me up and started carrying me upstairs. "whaaa Yoongi let me goooo" i said giggling. We arrived in our room and he throws me on the bed. He started tickling me and I screamed it out.

"whaha Yoongs stop whahaa stooop"
Yoongi laughed and finally letted me go. "why did you do that" I said pretending to be mad. "because I love it when you laugh" he said I I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I leand forward and kissed him, he kissed back and the kiss deepens. It was a really passionate, loving kiss.

Yoongi pulled up my shirt and I did the same with him. Our shirts landed somewhere in our room but we both didn't really care where. Yoongi started kissing me on the path he followed the first time. My cheek, ear, neck, chest, abs and got down at my pants. We both knew nobody was home so nobody could disturb us.

Yoongi unbuckled my pants and pulled them down. He did the same with his own and we were both only in our underwear. Yoongi kissed me again and his hand started going through my member. I looked down and saw we were both hard already. Yoongi was ready to pull my underwear down to review my member when suddenly the door opened and the guys stood there.

We were to caught up in the moment to notice. When we suddenly heard Jungkook screaming. We turned towards the door and both got red as a tomato. Our hand in front of our member to hide the fact we were hard. "how the hell did you guys came in" Yoongi yelled at them. "spare key" Namjoon said and held up a key. "I see Jimin feels better already" Jin said and smirked "shut the fuck up" Yoongi said.

"can you please wait downstairs so we can dress up we'll be down in 15 minutes" Yoongi said and the guys walked out. "why do we have to be disturbed every time" he asked me and I said I didn't know. We dressed up and headed down.

"You guys gave poor Jungkook a trauma" Jin said while throwing a pillow at us. "well if you didn't came in you wouldn't have seen us" Yoongi said and I laughed a little. We also said down on the couch with the others and picked a movie to watch.

After 30 minutes in the movie me and Yoongi were making out. We still were a little turned up and it was a very romantical movie so don't blame us for it. Namjoon and Jin, who were also dating, were cuddling while just watching the movie. Hoseok was verg irritated by us and sighed deep every minute and Taehyung and Jungkook who where obviously in love with each other but both afraid to tell we're both blushing and stealing glares of each other.

Yoongi and I were just doing our business when suddenly Hoseok through a pillow at us. "for God sake just watch the fking movie" he said and headed back to the TV. I climbed off of Yoongi's lap and he putted his arm around me. We all watched the rest of the movie. When it finished miss min came home. "oh hello guys, it been a long time since I've seen you are y'all staying over for dinner" she said and the guys all nodded and said some sure's and fine's, they all called there parents to tell and everybody could stay.

We all enjoyed dinner together and the boys told me emberassing story's of Yoongi which I enyojed way more the he did. After dinner the boys left and me and Yoongi went upstairs. We kissed a little like every night and then I fell asleep in his arms.

Chapters are finally getting a little longer just like I wanted.

School started again yesterday and I am already done with it😒😒

But me and my friends are in the same class which makes everything way better. I seriouly can't survive life without them.

Well don't have much more to say soooo

Purple y'all💜💜

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