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Pov Jimin

When I woke up I felt Yoongi's body next to me and remembered the kiss of last night. It was just perfect, well if miss min didn't interrupted us.

Yoongi opened his eyes and we made eye contact. He gave me a short kiss. "morning beautiful" "good morning" I responded, we laid like this for what seemed hours. I looked at Yoongi's alarm clock and it said 8.00 am. "oh shit" I said "what's wrong baby" Yoongi asked worried "in an hour we have to be at school we gonna be late!!" I yelled and Yoongi started laughing

"what's so funny" I said and Yoongi laughed even harder. "school is 5 minutes away from here relax" he said and I calmed down. On my school in Amerika I had to take a bus for 45 minutes to school so I kinda panicked.

"let's have breakfast" Yoongi said and we headed down. We ate breakfast and got dressed, when it was 8.45 we started walking to school. Hand in hand. It just felt so right, but this happy moment didn't last long.

When we arrived at school Yoongi letted go of my hand. "it's better if we don't do this here" he said and walked inside. I was a little sad but recalled yesterday, Yoongi was probably afride that bully would see us.

I followed Yoongi inside and he walked up to a group of 5 guys. All the guys greated him and I just stood there awkwardly. "oh yeah right Jimin  these are Seok Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook, they are my best friends. Guys this is Jimin the exchange kid." everybody said hello and started to tell me all kinds of things about this school. They were really nice.

The bell rang and we walked to class." hello students" my teacher said "let's all welcome Jimin in our class, Jimin can you come here and tell us something about yourself." she asked and I walked to the front of the classroom. "hello my name is Jimin and I am 15 years old, I'm from America but I'm half Korean since my dad was Korean he died when I was really young so I never learned to speak Korean so I'm kinda happy this is a English school." I said and bowed at my teacher, she told me I could sit next to Yoongi since I lived with him so I sat down next to him.

"you did really good" he whispered and I smiled at him. The rest of the day was followed by my teacher talking and Yoongi rubbing my leg which made me blush like a tomato.

When school finally ended we walked out and the guys asked why I was so red. I told them I was just really hot in the sweater I was wearing. Thank God I choose to wear a sweater today. The boys nodded and we walked out of school, when everyone was out of sight Yoongi immidiatly grabbed my hand. "when we come home we'll go to my room and continue last night okay baby" he said and I nodded excited.

After a couple minutes we came home and miss min sat on the couch. "hi mom we'll be in our room making homework" Yoongi said and dragged me upstairs. He closed the door and immidiatly started kissing me. I followed his lead and kissed him back. He trough me on the bed without disconnecting our lips. I putted my hand under his shirt and felt some die hard abs.

"i see you work out" I said breaking the kiss. "baby don't talk that way I can't kiss you" Yoongi said and pressed his lips on mine again. We stayed like this for a couple minutes when suddenly Yoongi pulled up my shirt throwing it in a corner. He started kissing my cheek, ear, neck, chest, abs, and finally he came down at my pants.

We both already got hard, just by kissing. He was ready to take of my pants when miss min came in. "guys I made you some snacks and OH MY GOD, I'm sorry I'll leave already." she said and closed the door again. Me and Yoongi sat embarrassed at the end of the bed.

"what a cockblocker" Yoongi said and I couldn't stop myself from laughing. I dressed up again and we actually started doing homework and eating the delicious snacks miss min made.

When we finished we went down and helped miss min with dinner. All three of us thought it was better not to talk about the event that happened before.

Dinner was ready and Mr. Min came home. We ate dinner and ice cream and Yoongi and I went upstairs again. We kissed a little and got into bed. (just to sleep don't think dirty) "Hyung" I asked "yeah baby what's wrong" he responded "what is this what we have" I said "what do you mean" "well we almost had sex do we have a relationship or don't we" I said and he smiled at me "give me time to ask you properly okay" he said and I nodded

We cuddled a little and fell asleep.

I loved to write this chapter it was just so cuteee

I have the most romantic idea for Yoongi asking Jimin😍

Tomorrow school starts again but I'm gonna try to write everyday so I can finally upload this story

I'm keeping it private till it's fully finished so you won't have to wait for a new chapter.

Purple y'all💜💜

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