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Pov Yoongi

It's been 3 months since Jimin left. Today is his birthday, yesterday I told him I would be very busy today so I won't be able to text him. But what he didn't knew is that I took a plane to America and I'm gonna surprise him for his birthday.

I contacted Ms. Park about it and she told me I could stay as long as I want, even if that was a year. I figured I would move in with them for a short period and then find an apartment in America for me and Jimin to live. Well if he wants that.

Last night I arrived and stayed in a hotel and today when Jimin was at school I would go to his house and then when he comes Home I'm sitting on his couch. Everything was perfectly planned, nothing could go wrong.

I went to Jimin's home and knocked on the door. Ms. Park opened the door and smiled brightly. "hi you must be Yoongi please come in, would you like something to drink" she said. "hi yeah a water would be fine" I responded then I sat down on the couch.

Me and Ms. Park talked for about 2 hours when suddenly the phone rang. "uhu yeah okay we'll be there as soon as possible." ms. Park said, hung up and looked at me really worried. "Jimin had an accident, he is now in the hospital we have to go there" my whole world stop. Jimin was in the hospital, what would happen to him, is he gonna survive. My thoughts ran wild while I putted my shoes on and got in the car.

We arrived at the hospital, checked in and went to Jimin's room. And there he laid. my boyfriend. Scars in his face, blood on his clothes. His eyes  were closed but he was breathing. I kneeled next to his bed and gave him a sweet kiss on his lips. Damn I missed the taste of his lips. I held his hand. "hi babe, I'm here so please wake up. Than we can spent time together, we can kiss and cuddle and you can show me America. Just please wake up. Please." tears streamed down my face. On the other side of the bed sat Ms. Park also crying.

The doctor came in and told us he was hit by a car, it wasn't his fault but the drivers, he was on his phone and didn't saw Jimin. He was in a coma and the doctor didn't know when he would wake up.

Fuck. Why couldn't things just go right with us. Why couldn't we be a normal couple.

Sorry for the short chapter but I have to go to school now.

Next chapter will be longer and happy.

Purple y'all💜💜

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