Twenty Six

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Yoongi's pov

2 years later

Jimin and I are togheter for about 12 years now and I think it's finally time to ask him THE question. I had the perfect idea in mind but then I had to actually do the plan and with a toddler who thinks she is the boss that can be really hard.

I made sure to wake up before Jimin does and headed to Noa's room. She was already awake and was playing with her barbies. "daddyyy" she screamed when she saw me and hugged me tight. "good morning princess" I said and walked to her closet to pick some clothes. "Noa want that one" she said and pointed at a pink princess dress. I grabbed the dress and put it on. "okay Noa listen to daddy yeah" she nodded.

"we are going to the beach today-" "yeahhhhh" she screamed "shhh daddy isn't finished yet. When we are there you have to ask mommy something" "what" "you have to ask, will you marry daddy okay" she looked at me very confused. "can you say that" "will you uhhh" she looked at me with puppy eyes. "will you marry daddy" I said again and she nodded " will you mawwy daddy" she said with the cutest voice ever.

"good job baby, now you can only say that when daddy says so okay" she nodded again and started playing with her barbies again. "daddy play with me" she asked and I started playing with her. Then the door opened and Jimin walked in. "good morning babe" he said and kissed me. "ewww no kissieee" Noa screamed making me and Jimin laugh.

We got downstairs and ate breakfast, then me and Jimin made ourself ready although Jimin didn't know what he was making himself ready for. We finally got in the car after a fight with Noa about her shoes and drove of to the beach. "where are we going babe" Jimin asked and I just smiled. "uhgg I hate it when you are like this" he said and stared out of his window.

In the back of the car Noa was telling herself a whole story in some baby language which made us laugh. We arrived at the beach and got out. I picked up Noa and put her down to walk. "Noa don't wanna walk" she said and crossed her arms. "Noa come on don't be stubborn now" Jimin said. "Mommy and daddy are leaving" I said and we slowly started walking away. "noooo Noa want also" she screamed and ran after us. Works every time.

We walked with our feet trough the water since the weather was beautiful. When we came at a quiet place I kneeled down at Noa. "you ready to aksed mommy" I wispered and Noa nodded. She ran to Jimin and pulled his shirt. "what's wrong princess" "will you mawwy daddy" she said and first Jimin didn't really understand but then he looked at me and saw me sitting on one knee with a ring.

"Jimin, since our very first meeting I'm extremely in love with you, then we were separated for a long time and that was killing me. Now that I have you and we have our me beautiful daughter-" "hey that's me" Noa interrupted making us giggle. I continued "dear Jimin, will you marry me" I said. "yes, of course I will!!" Jimin said crying and hugged and kissed me. "ew no ki- Noa also want kissie" Noa said and she joined our hug. The few people around us started clapping but we didn't noticed we were in our own little bubble. The bubble nobody could ever get us out off"

Short chapter I know.

But they are getting married!!!! Apparently this is the way my dad asked my mom to marry her, by letting me do it. But since I couldn't talk in had a letter that said. Will you marry my daddy. It's cute tho.

Next will be the wedding and then only one more chapter left :((

But as I said before there will be a sequel. It's gonna be about Noa and her life.

Purple y'all💜💜

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