Twenty Four

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Pov Jimin

The rest of the pregnancy is kinda boring so I'm gonna skip to the end

I'm already 5 days over time, and I'm so fking done with it now. I can't do anything at this point, I can't even put my shoes on since my belly is to big and I can't see my feet. Yoongi is really sweet and helps me with anything but I feel bad for him that with everything I wanna do I need his help. I also have to pee like every 5 mi-, oh wait a minute gotta pee be right back.

Okay I'm back so where were I. Oh yeah, I have to pee every 5 minutes because the baby is pushing on my bladder. I can't even walk normal, I litterly waddle like a penguin. "yoongiiii" I screamed. Yoongi immediately came running to me. "what's wrong sweetheart" he asked.

"I'm hungry" I said. "what do you want to eat" "yogurt with strawberries" he started walking to the kitchen. It's not like I don't want to do it myself, don't get me wrong if I could i would but I just simply can't.

Yoongi came back with my yogurt and placed it on the table just to bully me. "yoongssss" I started whining "you know damn well that I can't reach that" I said and he started laughing but then he did gave it to me. You know pregnancy can be handy. I have my own table to put my bowl of yogurt on.

I started eating but then got a little cramp. "oehh, I don't think the baby likes this" I said and Yoongi placed the bowl on the table. Around 10 minutes later I got another cramp. "aahhhh" I screamed in pain and Yoongi, who was doing something for his work, came running to me. "babe are you okay" he asked really worried. "yeah I'm fine just had a craaaaahhhh" I screamed again. "okay I'm calling the hospital. Yoongi dialed the hospital and started saying some things.

" congrats sir, your boyfriend is going into labor" I heard and my jaw drobbed but then I got another cramp and started screaming again. Yoongi hung up and looked at me. He tied my shoes and his own and we walked, well I waddled, out. "honey, we forgot the baby bag" I said and Yoongi ran back inside. A minute later Yoongi came out and puts me and the bag in the car. He also got in the car and drove off to the hospital.

During the ride I got more and more cramps and they also started getting heavier. Every time I would scream making Yoongi even more worried. If I knew this would hurt so much I wouldn't have started it. We finally arrived at the hospital, Yoongi checked us in and we were leeded to a room.

It was room 3, my favorite room so nothing could go wrong. Right?

Pov Yoongi

A doctor came in and checked up on Jimin, but then told us she couldn't do anything if Jimin's water hasn't broke yet. Suddenly a voice in my head remembered me that I had to let the guys know. So i went to our group chat.

We're in the hospital, Jimin is going into labor!!!

A cup of tae☕
Omg yesss we gonna have a niece guysss

Congrats you guys

And good luck

What does he need good luck for

You're so innocent kook, giving birth hurts really really bad.

Ow.. Well good luck then.

"babe I got a lot of texts can you check them" Jimin asked. "that are the guys wishing you good luck I just told them it is time" "ow" Jimin said.

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