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Pov Yoongi

When I woke up I felt two arms wrapped around my waist. When I looked down I saw it was Jimin he was sleeping so peacefully so cute.

I went down and saw that both my parents were out to work. I made breakfast for Jimin and brought it up stairs. "goodmorning sleepy" I said "morning hyung" Jimin responded and I gave him his breakfast.

He started eating while I went to my bathroom to dress myself. When I came out Jimin finished. I told him were he could find everything and left him so he could do his bissnius.

I came down and dicided that I didn't wanna go to school today. Jimin had one more day of so I thought I could show him something of Daegu.

I called school and told them I was sick. Jimin came down and I told him about our plans he agreed so we grabbed our shoes and coats and got outside.

We walked to the park and I gave jimin a ice cream. We walked further en stopped at the playground. "hyung can I play" Jimin asked me like he was a little child and I was his father or something "sure" I said and we headed to the swings.

We both got on one and did a little competition on who could go the highest. Of course I won

Pov Jimin
No you didn't I won

Pov Yoongi

We got out of the park and I leaded Jimin to the cinema. We choose a movie and went inside. Somehow I could convince Jimin to see a horror movie.

Jimin was extremely scared and grabbed my hand. I looked shocked at him and he immediately let go. "oh no you can hold it" I whispered and I felt his hand on mine again.

I intertwined our fingers and we watched the movie. On some moments a felt a little squeeze in my hand. I felt guilty for bringing him here but also I loved the feeling of his hand on mine.

When the movie finished we walked out our hands still connected. "hyung"
"yeah" "do I have to let go of your hand" he asked and I swear I almost melted "no if you don't want to you don't have to" I squeezed his hand and we walked out of het cinema.

We walked back to my house when I suddenly saw someone familiar. "hey Min I didn't know you were a faggot!" he yelled and punched me in my face.

I letted go of Jimin's hand and told him to go back home. He did what I said and started running home. "ah yeah protect your sweet little boyfriend" the boy said and punched me again "he is not my boyfriend" i said and also started to punch him.

After a short fight he letted me go and told me it wasn't over yet. I walked home and found a crying Jimin and my mom comforting him.

"Jimin don't cry he is not worth it" I said and hugged Jimin. "Yoongi was it that same guy" my mom asked and I nodded. "this is it I'm going to the principle" she said "no mom please don't it is just what he wants" I said and saw Jimin was confused.

"hyung who is he" Jimin asked "he is someone of our class, my whole life long he is bullying me, but I can Handel him" I said "he.. He is in our class" Jimin said scared "yeah but I promise I will protect you and make sure nothing happens to you okay" "okay" he said and gave me a hug

"ahw you guys are to cute" my mom said and we both started blushing
We went upstairs and sat down on my bed. "hyung can I ask you something" Jimin said "of course" "this may sound weird but uh.... Are you gay" he asked "yup I am my parents also know and some of my classmates do but apperantly not everybody" I said

"okay" is all Jimin said "why did you want to know" I asked and Jimin stared at the ground "because uhm.." "hey just tell me okay I won't judge" jimin looked at me and smiled "how did you came out" he asked and I smiled

"well I told my parent to sit down and that I wanted to say something, so the sat down and I lold them I liked guys instead of girls. First my parents were quiet so I thought they wouldn't accept it but then my mom hugged me and told me they still loved me as much as they did before and that they were totally okay with it" I said

"Hyung I have to tell you something" Jimin said and looked at me. "go ahead" I said he took a deep breath and started to speak.

"I like guys instead of girls" he said and I started laughing "hyung this is not funny it took me 5 years to tell someone" "I'm sorry you are just so cute copying me" "yah I'm not cute" Jimin hit my arm softly "you even hit me cute" I said still laughing my ass off.

"hyung can I try something" Jimin suddenly said damn serious. "that depends on what it is cutie" he leaned forward and then out of nowhere our lips touched. He started moving and I immidiatly gave in. Our lips moving perfectly in sinc. We kissed for about 15 minutes when suddenly my mom yelled that dinner was ready.

"wow, so I just had my first kiss" Jimin said blushing a little. "me too cutie" "really" he asked and I nodded. He hugged me and we headed downstairs once all four of us were eating I felt Jimin's hand on my leg. I looked at him and he just smiled. Things couldn't go wrong anymore cause I have Jimin by my side now.

Well that's what I thought.

Drama is about to come up.....

Also in two months Jimin is leaving Yoongi again...

Don't worry there will still be happy chapters

Purple y'all💜💜

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