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Yoongi pov

Today we are gonna visit Jimin's mom to tell her she is gonna be a grandma. After that I planned a little surprise for Jimin. I bought tickets to South Korea so we could visit the guys and my parents. It's been ages since we've seen them.

Once we arrived at Ms. Park she greated us happily and offered us something to drink. We told her to sit down so she did. "mom we have a little present for you" Jimin said and gave her the present. She got the wrapping paper of and inside was a shirt that said: grandma to be.

 She got the wrapping paper of and inside was a shirt that said: grandma to be

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Ms. Park's eyes widened. "really" she said, me and Jimin both nodded and her eyes started to get teary. She hugged us both tight, Jimin a little less tight because she was afraid to hurt the baby. After we had a long conversation about a lot and even more me and Jimin left. But instead of driving home I drove to the airport.

"babe, where are we going" Jimin asked confused. "South-Korea" I said simply and continued driving. "wait what" Jimin said even more confused. "oh did I forgot to tell you" I said "we are flying of to Korea to meet up with the guys" "omg are you serious" Jimin said. I nodded and Jimin got all sqeeky and excited.

We arrived at the airport and checked in. We still had a couple hours to go so we went to Starbucks to get some coffee. But apparently the smell of coffee was something that Jimin couldn't handle since yeah, pregnancy. Luckily there were toilets really near. Jimin made it just in time and threw up. I comforted him like always. He cleaned himself up and we headed to the right gate.

I started getting these flashbacks from when we first met.

Today I'm going to pick Jimin up from the airport. My mom sent me his picture and I couldn't stop staring at it. He is so handsome.

I grabbed my mom's car and drove to the airport. And it may sound weird, a 16 year old in a car but I do have my driver's license so don't worry.

I arrived at the airport and searched for gate 3. There were only a few people there and I was one of them.

I found a place to stand so he could see me clearly. Next to me stood a whole family with a sign that said. "Welcome home sweetie pie" great now I wanna now who sweetie pie is.

When the first people started to come out my mind totally focused on Jimin. And then suddenly I saw a blond boy who was wearing black sweatpants and a black hoodie. He looked up and I saw his handsome face.

He walked up to me "Hi I'm Jimin you are Yoongi right?" he said but I couldn't answer. I was blinded by his handsome face. "Uhm excuse me are you Yoongi?" he said again and finally I was dragged out of my trans.

"Uhm yeah, hi I'm Yoongi" "I'm Jimin" he said again and we shook hands "Let's put your luggage in my car and go home you must be tired", I said. He shook his head and we headed to my car.
End of the flashback

"babe, are you okay" Jimin asked me looking a little worried. "yeah I'm fine, I was just thinking back of the time we first met." i said and grabbed his hand. We continued walking to the right gate. God dammit why is this airport so big. Once we arrived we got trough all the security and safely got into our plane. The fun thing of this trip was that the guys didn't knew anything about it. But this was also the most tricky part.

Every day we had this little video chat with the guys but today we couldn't since that would ruin the surprise. Tae called me but I didn't pick up. Not late after that I received a text from him.

A cup of tae☕
Hyung why don't you pick up, is something wrong??

Nothing wrong taetae, Jimin feels a little sick so we can't call today. But I'll call you guys tomorrow okay.

A cup of tae☕
Okay Hyung, make sure Jimin-Hyung is okay.

I'll take good care of him. Good night, give the guys hugs from us.

A cup of tae☕

Well that one was close. I thought while I shut of my phone, only to see Jimin fast asleep. God he is so cute, so lucky with him. He moved little and laid his head on my shoulder. I placed my arm around him and also went to sleep. We still had a long flight to go but oh, this was so worth it.

I feel like it's been ages since I last updated. I had a writers block that's why the last chapters has been so short.

So let me give some credits to one of my friends she is literally checking every chapter for Spelling mistakes or parts that are grammatically wrong. She is way better in English and helps me a lot with this.

So credits to her. ❤️❤️

Purple y'all💜💜

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