Twenty Seven

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Pov Jimin

Today is the weddding day and damn I'm nervous. I haven't seen Yoongi since yesterday morning. Namjoon and Tae took him to a hotel while Jin, Hoseok and Jungkook stayed with me. Noa went to my mom where Yoongi's parents were staying as well.
Currently I was on the couch having a compleet panick attack while the boys tried to calm me down.

"I can't do this, what if he says no" I said as my breathing became heavier. Luckily Jin noticed. "Jimin breath in deep, and breath out" he said and slowly I got my breath under control again. "now go sit there so I can do your make up" Jin said and to Jungkook he said that he had to get my suit ready. Hoseok had to call the flower shop since my bouquet was still not delivered.

Jin did my make up and when he was finished Jungkook came in with my suit it was all white with a black tie. I dressed myself up and looked in the mirror. Tears forming in my eyes, Jungkook gave me a back hug and told me everything was going to be fine. Then a very stressed out Hoseok came in. "they will deliver the bouquet in an hour then we only have 15 minutes to get to the church." he said making my breath getting heavier again. "Jimin relax the ride is 10 minutes so if we leave immediately we can easily make it.

Jin started doing my hair while the others fixed some thing for the wedding.

Pov Yoongi

Tae started fixing my hair while Namjoon came in with my suit. It was black with a white tie. Things were going really smooth, everything went in time nothing went wrong. I wonder how things are going with Jimin.

Pov Jimin

Everybody was running around the house searching those god damn rings. Those were Hoseok's task but he lost them. "I have them!!!" Jungkook screamed from the bathroom.

Pov Ms. Park

Today my son is finally getting married and I got the task to get Noa ready. She is in her toddler-teenager period so getting her ready was a lot harder I expected. Luckily Yoongi's parents stayed at my place so the three of us handled Noa.

We walked upstairs to get dressed and Jimin gave me the outfit she needed to wair. She had to wair a white dress with a black bow in her hair and black shoes. "Noa sweetie, come to grandma so we can dress you up." I said but she didn't come. "Noa watching TV now." she said. "Noa, we have to get you ready for mommy and daddy's wedding" Ms. Min said. "uh, fine" she said and walked to my room. I grabbed the white dress and was about to put it over noa's head. But then she backed up.

"I want my pink dwess" she said and crossed her arms. "no sweetie you have to wair this one for the wedding" Mr. Min said. After an hour we finally got Noa and ourselves ready and we headed to the church.

Pov Jimin.

"It's been an hour already we're the hell is my bouquet" I screamed trough  the house. "Jimin, it's been 10 minutes" Hoseok said and then the doorbell rang. "I'll go" Jin yelled and walked to the door. When he opened the door we all saw a man we never saw before. "you must be the delivery man" Jin said and the male looked confused. "babyyy" Hoseok screamed and flew around the males neck. "I'm so happy you made it" "care to explain who this is hyung" Jungkook said "oh right, uh guys this is my boyfriend bambam" he said.

We all hugged Hoseok and congratulated him. Then bambam told something about himself, he seemed pretty nice. Then finally the bell rang again and this time it was my bouquet. We quickly all got in the car and Hoseok almost forgot the rings again.

We arrived at the church and were leaded to a room. There they did the last things about my hir and make up and then it was time. First Noa walked up with the flowers after that Yoongi's parents walked up, then Hoseok and my mom, after that Tae and Jungkook. Then Yoongi walked up with Namjoon. Then it was my turn, I took a deep breath and nodded to Jin that I was ready, we walked up and everybody started clapping. I got placed and stared at Yoongi. "you look amazing" he whispered. "you do too" I whispered back and then the pastor started to speak.

"first of all if anyone doesn't want these two males to get married please stand up now" everybody stayed seated.

"great, we gathered around here to celebrate the big day of these two beautiful males. I want to ask these two males to stand up and take each others right hand" we did what he said. "now I want you to answer my question, do you Min Yoongi take Park Jimin to your lovely husband in good and bad times, in health and sickness till dead separates you. What is your answer to that."

Pov Yoongi

"I do"

"and do you Park Jimin take Min Yoongi to your lovely husband in good and bad times, in health and sickness till dead separates you. What is your answer to that."

Pov Jimin

"I do"

"then I now prenouce you Mr. and Mr. Min. You now may kiss the groom" i didn't have to let me tell that twice, we both leaned in and fell into a loving, passionate kiss. Everybody around us started clapping but I didn't heared. The only thing on my mind was Yoongi, my husband.

After everybody congratulated us we got into the car and drove to the place the party would be held. When we arrived everybody was already there, the three of us walked in and everybody started clapping again. "yeah Noa famous" Noa said and pulled a pose making everybody laugh. "okay everybody let's throw the bouquet" the dj said and I got in front of the dancefloor. I throwed my bouquet and Jungkook chatched it. He and Tae shared a kiss and then we started partying.

The party didn't end until 5 in the morning but we didn't care. Today was our day so we could do what we want. When we came home we were a little drunk, well we were really drunk. We both made it to the couch before we fell asleep.

Next morning we woke up with a huge hangover. "uuuuggg, I shouldn't drank that much last night" Yoongi whined. When were a little more awake we gave each other a kiss. "good morning Mr. Min" Yoongi said to me and it made me smile "morning my sweet husband"

Heyyyy guysss

They finay got married!!!!! Also I just realized I forgot the ring part at the wedding but I'm lazy and it's already really late here so I'm not gonna change it.

Also I just heared that my niece has been born her name is Emily and even tho I haven't seen her yet I'm already in love with her😍

Next chapter is the last one😭😭

Purple y'all💜💜

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