50 K Special

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First of all I would like to thank you all so much for reading my story. I really can't believe I already have 50 k reads. I love seeing you guys enjoying the story and I get so happy reading all of your comments. You guys really mean a lot to me. So for that I want to thank you. Now enjoy this 50 K special.

I purple y'all💜


"MIN NOA, DOWNSTAIRS NOW!" Only Jimin's screaming could be heard in the min household.

Let me explain it a bit. Noa is now 16 years old. When she was 12 years old Yoongi and Jimin decided to move back to Korea since all their friends and families lived there. But Noa didn't agree with it.

All of her friends lived in America. Her whole live was there. And now she had to live 12 hours away from them. But she was only 12 years old and didn't really had anything to say about it.

When they finally moved and officially lived in Korea something changed inside of Noa. She didn't had any friends at her new school and everybody saw her as the weird new kid. The fact that she had two dads didn't really helped too.

So Noa decided to stop caring about anything then herself. Her style changed from cute and girly to black and black only. She was a loner. Nobody liked her and she was fine with it. Because if she started caring about people again she'll eventually had to say goodbye to them again. Just like she needed to when she moved.

But then when she was 15 years old. She met someone. A guy. His name was Lee Felix. He had also moved to Korea from his hometown and had to leave all of his friends behind. He was officially from Australia. He was the only one who understood Noa's pain. And eventually after being friends for a couple months they fell in love.

But this only changed Noa more. And not in a good way. They started skipping school togheter, they stole things from stores. Yeah they were little troublemakers. And not the cute innocent ones.

Okay back to the current moment. Yoongi and Jimin just got a call from school saying Noa had missed to many lessons and it wasn't sure of she could go to the next grade. So they were mad. No not mad, furious.

"MIN NOA, DOWNSTAIRS NOW!" Jimin yelled. "I'm busy" Noa said very calm and wasn't planning on coming downstairs. "don't make us come upstairs" Yoongi said strict. "dad I'm not three anymore. Go make a puzzle or something and leave me the fuck alone." this made Yoongi and Jimin go over the line.

They ran upstairs and bursted into Noa's room. Breaking the lock that was on the door. "WHAT" Noa yelled annoyed. "Noa I've had it with you I just got a call from school saying you missed to many classes and it isn't sure you are going to next grade. I don't know what happened to you but I'm very sure that little boyfriend of yours has something to do with this cause this isn't my little girl". Jimin yelled with tears in his eyes. He felt like he failed raising his daughter.

"leave Felix out of this he has nothing to do with it. In fact he is the only one who really understands me so fuck off" Noa screamed and ran past her parents and out of the house. On her way she called Felix but couldn't manage to say something. But Felix understood her.

After 10 more minutes of running Noa reached a small tree house in a forest. No one knew of this place except for Noa and Felix. It was their place. Noa got inside the tree house and waited for Felix. After a couple minutes he arrived and immediately pulled Noa in a hug.

"what did they say". He asked once they pulled away. "they got a call from school saying I skipped to many classes and got mad. But they blamed you so I told them to fuck off and ran". "parents suck" felix said and somehow it calmed Noa.

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