Twenty Five

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Pov Jimin

It's been two weeks since Noa has been born. Today Yoongi's parents and the guys come from Korea to finally meet her.

The day started......awful. We were woken up by Noa screaming her longs out, just like the past two months. She really cries a lot. We walked up to her room and saw her bed covered with puke, which made me almost puke too. I gave Noa a bath while Yoongi changed her sheets. "Yoongs" I said from the bathroom "do you think they can still come over if Noa is sick" "of course they can, we've been waiting two months for this moment." "yeah that's true"

I got Noa out of the tub and dressed her up.

I got down and while Yoongi made breakfast, I gave Noa a bottle

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I got down and while Yoongi made breakfast, I gave Noa a bottle. When she was finished I put her in her crib only to earn some more crying. I wanted to pick her up but Yoongi grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the dinner table. "first breakfast, she'll be fine" he said and we started eating. When we were finished Noa was already asleep, so me and Yoongi headed up stairs to get dressed.

I wore a black ripped jeans with a white t shirt and a denim jacket and Yoongi wore a denim jeans with a red sweater. We got down and Noa was still asleep. We cleaned the house and then the door bell rang which woke Noa up and made her cry. I picked her up while Yoongi opened the door, I walked up to the door and saw the guys and Yoongi's parents standing there. We all hugged until they saw Noa and all their attention went to her which she was perfectly fine with.

We all sat down in the living room and everybody took a turn holding Noa, it went just fine until she came at Tae. She started to feel sick again and threw up on Tae. "ew, ew, gross" Tae said and quickly handed Noa over to Yoongi. I took Tae upstairs to get him changed while Yoongi changed Noa and put her into bed. When we were all stettled again we talked about our lives and Noa.

After a couple hours Yoongi's parents left since they were staying in a hotel. The guys stayed at our place so they stayed. Jin said he wanted to make dinner so he went to the kitchen and started cooking. Noa woke up screaming her lungs out again so I was about to go upstairs while Jungkook grabbed my wrist. "can I come with you" he asked and I nodded "of course you can" I said and we headed up stairs.

I opened Noa's door and walked into her room

I picked up Noa and laid her on the changing table

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I picked up Noa and laid her on the changing table. "hyung, can I ask you something" Jungkook said "of course you can" I said while changing Noa's diaper. "Tae wants a kid but I don't know if I'm ready for that" he said. I looked at him and said "you have to do it when your ready for it I can't change that but I know you will make the right decision and yeah it it though in the beginning but it is so worth it" i looked at my baby and smiled. Jungkook nodded and we walked downstairs.

When we came down dinner was ready so I laid Noa in her crib and we all started eating. Jin had made pork belly with ramen and kimchi.
(a/n I don't know anything about Korean food these things I know so I just put them there hope you don't mind)

When we were finished Namjoon picked up Noa and started cuddling and playing with her. We all sat down on the couch and watched a movie. At the end the only ones awake were Jin and I. I picked up Noa from Namjoon and laid her in her bed. When I came down everybody was awake except for Yoongi. "Jimin, i failed at waking him up can you do it" Jin said and u nodded. I kneeled down at Yoongi and gave him sweet kisses on his whole face. "babe wake up, let's go to bed" I whispered and Yoongi's eyes slowly opened.

Once we were all in our beds I had to pee so I could go out again🙄. I walked past Hoseoks room and heared him talked to someone. "I miss you to, I love you, byee baby" I knocked on his door and he opened it. "hey Jimin what are you doing here" "I heared you talk to someone" I said and Hoseok smiled "come in" he said and closed the door.

"okay you can't tell this to anyone understand" he said and I nodded "that was my boyfriend, I haven't told any of you yet because I wanna do it on a special way" when he told me this he got a little spark in his eyes. "his name is bambam, well it's not his real name but he prefers bambam." I smiled at him. "congrats hyung, I'm really happy for you"

The feeling of having to pee became worse and I told Hoseok I had to go. I quickly ran to the bathroom and did my buisness. Then I walked back to my own room to see my sweet boyfriend asleep. I got in as well and fell asleep real quick.

Do you guys notice that almost every chapter I end with them going to sleep.

Anygay, Yesterday I was sick and my head still looks like some dog puked on it but i have picture day at school today. Please Namjesus come save me.

Also the book is gonna end in a couple chapters, but don't worry there will be a sequel.

Purple y'all💜💜

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