Twenty One

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Pov Yoongi

I was the first to wake up next morning, Jimin was still sleeping peacefully next to me. I walked down stairs and saw nobody was there yet. Then I had a really good plan. I started making breakfast and decorated the table.

Once I was finished I walked up stairs again to the long hall of bedrooms. Then I started yelling. "fire! there is a fire! Wake up guys!!" everybody came out totally shocked. They all started running down and when they came down they saw the table nicely decorated. They all looked at me and I smiled.

We said down at the table and shared memories of years ago while eating breakfast. Once we were all finished we went up to our rooms to get dressed. I wore a black pants with a white shirt and a black coat.

Jimin wore a black ripped jeans with his guess what shirt, we were going to my parents today so we thought we could tell them this way

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Jimin wore a black ripped jeans with his guess what shirt, we were going to my parents today so we thought we could tell them this way.

A/N there is no picture for jimin's outfit because yeah have you ever seen him with a guess what shirt.

We walked down stairs again and saw what all the other guys picked out and I can't lie, they looked good.


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The guys asked us what our plans for today were and I told them we were going to my parents to tell them our big news. "that's why Jimin has that shirt on again" Jungkook said and we all laughed. We talked a little more and then Jimin and I decided to go.

Jin letted us borrow his car so we didn't have to call a cab. We drove of to my parents and now I started to feel nervous. Jimin luckily noticed "babe it's gonna be fine, they always surported our relationship and they also gonna surport our baby okay" he said and I nodded. We continued driving to my parents house.

Once we arrived I had all my strength back again, I grabbed Jimin's hand and we walked up to the door. I knocked and my mom opened the door. Once she saw us she immediately started crying. "hello my sweet baby's how are you doing" she said and took us inside, there was my dad sitting on the couch but once he saw us he jumped up ready to hug us. But he stopped right in front of us staring down at Jimin's shirt.

"really" he said and we both nodded. We happily hugged but my mom didn't understand. "look at Jimin's shirt" my dad said to my mom and then she also noticed. We got a couple more hugs and then all said down on the couch.

I grabbed something from my bag and gave it to my parents it was a sonogram of the baby. My parents looked at it with tears in our eyes. "I'm now 3 months pregnant" Jimin said. My parents asked him all kinds of questions about the baby and to most of them we didn't even know the answer.

My mom brought some snacks but the cheese she brought in had a smell Jimin couldn't handle. He ran of to the toilet and of course I ran after him. I rubbed his back while he letted it all out. He cleaned himself up while I already walked back. "mom can you get the cheese away please" I said, my mom nodded and moved the cheese back to the kitchen.

Jimin came back in. "you okay baby" I asked and Jimin nodded. My mom told him she had the exact same thing while she was pregnant and gave him all kinds of tips. After 4 hours we went to the guys again. We all had dinner and watched a movie. This time we ended a little different. It was a very romantic movie so at the end, me and jimin, teahyung and Jungkook and Namjoon and jin ended up making out. Hoseok sat there very annoyed.

We all walked to our room and went to sleep. Well except for Tae and Kookie. They did some other stuff.

Purple y'all💜💜

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