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Warning!!!!! Smut

Pov Yoongi

In two weeks Jimin had to go back to America again. My mom and dad knew we wanted some alone time, so they went the whole day out. To my friends I said whatever happens don't bother us.

We were currently in our bed watching a movie. Jimin laid with his head on my chest and I had my arm wrapped around him. "you are so beautiful baby" I said, he looked up and smiled "not as beautiful as you" he said and looked over at the TV.

I started peppering his head with kisses. "Yoongs stop that tickles." Jimin said giggling. I putted my hand under his chin and gave him a lovely kiss on his lips. Jimin gave in and started moving along with me. The kiss deepened and apperantly we were kissing for 30 minutes because when I looked over at my alarm clock we were half an hour further.

I started kissing and sucking on what I knew was his weak spot, behind his ear. "mmmm Yoongs, that feels amazing." Jimin said. So I continued it. "Yoongi if you keep going I swear I'm gonna cum" Jimin said and I loud and long moan left his mouth. I stopped and Jimin whined. "was this it" he said pouting "of course not baby, this is only the beginning." I said and pulled up his shirt. He immidiatly did the same thing with me.

Both only in pants I started licking, sucking and kissing Jimin all over his upper body. Jimin was moaning like crazy beneath me. I pulled down his and my pants and we were only in underwear now. "baby, you really want to do this" I asked. We've been on this moment twice now and every time we've been interrupted. But now nobody was there to. "mmm yes hyung, make love to me please." he said moaning.

I knew it was his first time, he knew it was my first time. I have to say that I did some 'research' so I know what to do. I took a deep breath and pulled down his underwear, revealing his hard member. Then I pulled down my own. Jimin looked at it and smiled. "you look great baby" "I can say the same about you"

Jimin got up on his knees and suddenly I felt something wet wrapped around my member. I looked down and saw Jimin's mouth wrapped around it. He looked up at me and started licking it. He licked and sucked like his life dependent on it. "mmm baby you're doing sooo good" I moaned making Jimin suck harder. "baby I-I I'm gonna cum" i said and Jimin hummed. I felt vibrations trough my whole member.

It felt so good that I couldn't hold my self in. "ba-baby I'm" I managed to get out before filling up Jimin's mouth with my cum. Jimin swallowed it and tried to get his breath under control.

"wow baby that was so good" I said. We both got our breath under control and I kissed him again. "ready for the real stuff" I said.

Pov Jimin

I nodded. Yoongi laid me down on my back. "spread your legs beautiful" he said, I did what he told me to I spreaded my legs to reveal my entrance. Yoongi grabbed lube and a condom from his nightstand. "ready babe" he asked and I nodded again, not able to talk. Then I felt something cold going up my butt. "aahh Yoongiiiii" I got out and the cold thing stopped moving.

"are you okay baby" he asked. I waited a couple seconds to get used to the feeling. Then I nodded and the cold thing started moving again. I looked down and saw it was Yoongi's finger. Soon he added another one and started siccoring. He added another finger and stretched my butt, like a lot.

He pulled his fingers out and looked at me. "baby I'm really gonna start now, are you ready" he asked. "mm yes, fuck me" I said and Yoongi's eyes widened, not expecting such words from me. He putted on the condom and some extra lube. Then I felt the tip of his member at my entrance. I moaned loudly as his length got deeper in my ass. Once fully in he started moving. At first it hurtled real bad but Yoongi peppered my face with kisses, and soon the pain changed to pleasure.

After a couple trust and a lot of moaning I couldn't hold it anymore. "baby I'm g-gonna c-cum" I managed to get out. "me to baby" he said and after one more trust he came in the condom and I came all over our chests. Yoongi pulled out and we liked my cum off of each other.

"let's take a bath togheter babe" yoongi said and picked me up. He carried me to the bathroom and sat me down on the edge of the bath. He filled up the bathtub and went to change the sheets on the bed.

Pov Yoongi

When I came back from the bedroom I saw Jimin laying in the bathtub. I Also got in and he started cuddling me. "you were really good" he said "you were amazing babe" i said. For about an hour we cuddled in the water togheter.

We got out and I had to dry of Jimin since he was in a lot of pain. We got dressed and I carried him down. I sat Jimin down on the couch and made us dinner. While eating dinner we watched a movie and at the end my parents came home. "hello boys, how was your day" my mom asked. "amazing" we said in sinc and laughed.

We watched another movie with my parents but halfway Jimin fell asleep. I carried him upstairs and laid him i  bed. I laid down next to him and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "goodnight my beautiful boy" I said.

Before going to sleep, I checked my phone. We had a group chat with all the boys in it. I saw I got a couple chats in it.

I see Yoongi-hyung and Jimin-hyung are already 4 hours offline, what you guys think there doing😏😏

Eomma Jin💙🤗
Jeon Jungkook, I dont like such words out of your mouth young man.

Sorry Eomma....

Cup of tae☕
Now I'm curious too

Me too

Yeah same for meee

Eomma Jin💙🤗
You guys are so dirty minded. This is not how I raised youuuu!!

We didn't do anything weird, oh Jimin won't be able to walk tomorrow😉

Eomma Jin💙🤗
Min Yoongi!!!!!😡😡

Yes Eomma

Eomma Jin💙🤗
Nevermind we have little kids here

For the last time. I'm not a chiiiiillddd anymoooore😡😢

I smiled as I reread the text. I am really lucky to have such friends. I putted down my phone and laid down next to Jimin. I wrapped my arm around him and fell asleep.

Omg guys this chapter had 1191 words I'm really proud of myself.

Also sorry if the smut sucks it was my first time writing it.

Purple y'all💜💜

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