At the pub

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Simla City...

In the outskirts of the city... there was a big pub...

The place of rich people... 

As the cost of the products available starts in thousands only...

On entering into the gate can see so many latest model cars in various colors...

After the parking area comes the main building...

Rich people in Coat, Suits & Safari was entering & exiting the pub...

Not only guys... But also can see girls too...

its not strange on today world...

Drinking has become one of the symbol of showing their richness...

On entering into the building can see the corridor with fancy lights decorating the place...

When crossed the corridor can enter into the center of the pub...

Tables & chairs were arranged in beautiful manner...

The people was sitting in those chairs keeping the glass in the table...chatting with the other guy or girl who accompany them...

Here & there can hear 'cheers' who shared their happiness mutually...

Beautiful arranged alcohols of various brands imported from various countries were decorating on one full side..

Few bartenders were standing in front of it serving the required alcohols to the customers of the pub...

They were tolerating few customers who talk without even knowing what they are talking after drinking good volume of alcohol...

In that strange & different place... in one of the table...

one young man was gazing at the glass which was filled with alcohol...

His face was not showing any interest in drinking it...

Instead he seems to be like diverting his mind in something which is now nothing but the alcohol...

His state of sitting and the unsteady body showed it is not the first glass in his hand...

So many rounds of alcohol already been taken by him which already disturbed his balance...

He was not accompanied by anyone...

He was all alone...

Slightly unshaven face showed he got no interest to even look perfect...

Still his clothes and the place where he is showed he is rich guy...

His purse should have 500s & 1000s while it should also hold all major credit & debit cards...

In that big pub... None were there to even notice him...

May be that is the reason he was gazing at the glass to see whether it is showing any interest on him...

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