Part as strangers

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Siddhant was feeling uneasy seeing her in tears...

As though not in senses.. he was also reason behind that tears...

Siddhant: Please... dont cry... Please believe... i myself didn't know how this happened...

Roli understood he is feeling guilty...

Roli slight wipe her tears...

Roli: I know you are not the reason... but i am just feeling bad about my fate...

Siddhant: Thanks for your understanding... though known or unknown what happened is happened... i am ready to accept whatever your decision is...

Roli: No.. no... what you can do in this... it was my decision to drink and jump from hill... then whatever happened was just like accident.. infact i need to thank you as you saved my life by stopping me from jumping in the hill...

Siddhant: Still... by the way... why you took such decision...

Roli: I was pushed to take such decision... infact to execute that decision only i drink yesterday.. otherwise.. i never gone to any pub... or drink ever...

Siddhant: I can understand... but if you wish to share with me about what has happened which pushed you to take such decision... you can...

Roli: Nothing great or remarkable thing to share & become happy... Like any other girl of my age... i too love one person named 'Rahul'... I did love him with my whole heart... But when she tried to move close to me.. i mean physically...

She down her face as she was unable to meet his face while telling this... He too felt awkward...

Roli: I denied for his wishes... So he went in search of another girl...He broke my heart... Thats why...

Siddhant: Oh!!! You too were in almost same to my situation...

Roli: you mean.. you too...

Siddhant: yes... i was also deeply in love with a girl named 'Swetha'... But recently when i came to know she is behind me only for my money & was having affair with some other boy... i was just broken... I too was not alcoholic addict... but to come out of that grief.. i started taking drinks so that i can come out of her painful memories...

Roli: But why you should drink & spoil your health for her...

Siddhant: Thats right...More than me.. you decided to jump from hill for him...

Roli: That is also right...

Siddhant: Anyway... May be the drunken state & our grief which we were facing let us to do that mistake yesterday unconsciously...

Roli: yes... i accept...

Siddhant: Still... i feel guilty & i am very sorry...

Roli: In that way... i too feel guilty & i too feel sorry...

Siddhant: What to do now???

Roli: What can be done... nothing can be reversed... we need to continue our life... But with a decision we should not die for the people who cheat us...

Siddhant: you are right... why should we die or spoil our health for the people who cheat us.. Lets live our life...

Roli: Anyway... Again thanks for saving my life yesterday... i am going to my home... Just forget whatever happened between us... Nothing is going to happen in feeling guilty or feeling sad... Nothing is going to get reversed too...

Siddhant: Thanks for taking it with this much understanding... 

Roli: We need to.. Otherwise we will face such people whom we loved & got cheated without understanding them...

Siddhant: Thats right...

Roli: Ok.. I am going home...

Siddhant: Shall i drop you at your home...

Roli: No need.. its ok.. Lets finish our chapter here itself and part a strangers... That is good for both of us...

Siddhant didn't tell anything further...

Roli got up and started moving towards outside of the house...

Siddhant was sitting speechless in the sofa...

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