Touch the baby

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Days were passing...

Its her 6th month...

The baby started showing movements...

Siddhant continued his secret love...

While Roli was always cautious to be careful in not losing her baby as well as her control...

The time has come for their consultation with the doctor...

Roli & Siddhant were sitting in front of the doctor...

Doctor checked Roli...

Doctor: Roli... you come to next room... Lets take the scan too...

Roli: ok Doctor...

Roli got up and went behind doctor...

Doctor turned towards Siddhant before going out of the room...

Doctor: Mr. Siddhant... you too can come & see.. you can easily see baby movements by now.. come...

Siddhant: Its ok doctor... let me be here...

Doctor: What Mr. Siddhant... all will be eager to see their child growth and movements.. you are hesitating like this... come with us...

Without any other way.. Siddhant went behind them...

Doctor made Roli to lay down in the bed...

She told her to show her stomach making her saree little down to scan...

Roli was hesitating looking at Siddhant...

Siddhant realised her hesitation & turned against her without doctor noticing him...

Then Doctor applied the gel and started making the scan...

Doctor: See Roli & Siddhant.. this is the baby...

Now Siddhant as well as Roli looked at the screen which was showing the baby moments...

Its just developed features were visible to some extent...

The baby was floating inside the stomach...

The baby hit her stomach with its hand...

The movement was seen on the stomach visible...

Doctor: See how the baby is punching its mother...

Siddhant admired the baby which was in the screen...

Roli got tears of happiness...

After the scanning got over...

Roli & Siddhant returned home taking the prescriptions & medicines from doctor...

Siddhant was yet to return from the excitement...

Roli was equally excited...

After dinner...

When they were in their rooms...

The thought of the baby.. its movements were filled inside their heart & mind...

Siddhant suddenly remembered something and went to Roli's room...

Roli was in the bed enjoying the excitement of the baby...

Roli saw Siddhant coming to her room and was surprised...

Roli: Siddhant...

Siddhant: Roli.. am i disturbing you...

Roli: not at all... 

Siddhant with a smile went near ROli and sat beside her in the bed...

Siddhant: Roli.. shall i ask you something...

Roli: Siddhant.. its strange you are asking me like thiis.. tell me what you want... 

Siddhant: Roli.. wish you dont mistake me...

Roli: Mistake for what.. tell me...

Siddhant: Roli... how beautiful the baby movements were right...

ROli: Yes Siddhant... i am yet to come out of that excitement.. it was too cute...

Siddhant: yes it was...Since i saw that.. i got a wish...

ROli: Wish.. since you saw that.. what it is...

Siddhant: Roli.. i saw the movements of the baby... but i wish to feel it...

Roli: Feel it.. i dont get you...

Siddhant: Roli.. i wish to touch the baby..

Roli: Touch the baby!!!

Roli was surprised...

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