It's her insecurity

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Roli was in the hospital for 3 days..

Siddhant didn't talk to her properly though did all his responsibilities in form of physical or financial support... 

Then she was discharged to home...

Siddhant bring ROli & Baby home...

Siddhant already arranged for the cradle inside her room...

Siddhant put the baby inside the cradle and made Roli to lay down in the bed...

When Siddhant was about to leave from there...

Roli hold his hands...

Siddhant stopped from moving further...

Roli pulled his hand towards her...

Siddhant sat beside her... 

But didn't look or talk to her...

Roli: Siddhant... are you angry with me???

Siddhant: how can i even become angry with you... 

Roli: Why are you talking like this???

Siddhant: What else i can talk Roli... you thought so cheap about me... that i will take baby from you... what you said.. i was affectionate & close for the baby... Do you think so???

ROli got no reply...

Siddhant: Roli... even before this baby... i was the one who hold you from jumping from the hill and bring you home... you were 100% stranger to me... was that for the baby???

Roli nod her head as 'no'

Siddhant: Then when i came to know you quit your house... you know how much i was tensed... when that house owner kicked you outside.. you know how i felt... was all these for this baby???

Roli nod her head as 'no'

Siddhant: When you omit.. when you felt tired.. when you were not well... you know how much my heart pains... is it for baby???

Roli nod her head as 'no'

Siddhant: I was least bothered how the office staff think about me & i declared in front of everyone i am the father of this child.. is it for baby... When they told bad about you.. i felt like killing them.. is it for the baby... 

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