Bringing her home

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He was not sure... why he did this...

Why he came to save her from jumping...

But some force was pulling him towards her...

Which was holding him from going away and came forward to save her...

Finally she is saved...

Inspite of her irritating question... 

He got some breathe of relief that she is saved...

He realised something wrong...

He is sure... she will do something if he leave her alone there...

Also he is aware she is not on her full conscious being drunken like him...

Moreover he himself is not in full conscious to listen to her even if she tell...

He felt like with her tension which was created suddenly.. 

The effect of drinks went somewhere down on him...

He decided to take another round once reaching home...

But how to go home leaving this girl all alone..

Seeing her reply he was sure... he wont get any proper reply also...

He think for a while & looked at her...

'Hey girl... where is your home??? come will me i will drop you...'

He enquired...

'Hey guy... if i want to go to my home... i will very well go... you can now go to your home...'

She replied...

'Of course i am going to my home... but i think its not good to leave you alone... So...'

He tried to convince her...

'Thanks for your concern... which is not at all required by me... you can go in your way...'

She just showed her irritation...

He took a breathe of frustration of handling her...

Still he was unable to ignore her and go too...

He think for a while...

He suddenly hold her hand...

She was shocked...

He just pulled her towards her car and started talking steps...

She denied to come with him...

She was trying to take her hand from his hold...

Still she can only go behind him on his strong pulling..

Moreover her drunken state was not letting her to put any strength to fight with him too...

They finally reached near his car...

He just opened the door and pushed her inside the car...

He closed the door and rushed towards driving seat before she get down...

He started driving towards his home...

'Hey... what are you doing??? why are you taking me in your car... stop the car... stop the car...'

She shouted...

He just ignored her shout and continued his journey towards his home...

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