Getting closer

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He smiled and looked at her face...

'Heeeyyy... whaaattt iiis yooouuur naaameee???'

He questioned her...

She was already puzzled on his touch on her face...

She was just looking at him surprised on his sudden action & question...

She was not ready to answer him...

'iii   wooonnnttt teeelll'

She denied to answer...

'yooouuu aaarreee beeeaaauuutiiifuuulll'

He admired even in that senseless state...

She was not in a mood to become happy on his praising...

'yooouuu arreee baaaddd... dooonnnttt tooouuuchhh'

She showed her disinterest on his touch...

'iii aaammm noottt baaddd... nooo plaaaccceee fooorrr aaannyyy ooonnneee ooothhheeerrr thhaaannn myyy Sweeethhhaaa... juuusssttt saaaiiiddd...'

He realised what he did is not right and she is not ok with it...

He just tried to move and went near bed to sleep...

She just followed him...

'whhaaattt yooouuu thooouuughhttt... nooo plaaacceee fooorrr aannyyy oonneee othhheeerrr thhaaannn mmyyy Raahhuuulll tooo... yooouuu knnnooowww...'

She tried to turn him who was moving towards his bed and pushed..

While he fell on the bed being out of his balance already...

He fell upside down and slowly turned to see her in the bed...

While... She was searching for the person who went missing in front of her eyes suddenly...

'whheeerreee aaarrreee yooouuu'

She searched turning side her face and was puzzled where he is missing...

When she took further step... She hit on his leg and fell on his chest beside him...

She lean on his chest... wrapped her hands around him...

He too wrapped his hand around her waist...

'yoouuu aarreee heeerrreee'

She questioned...

'Hmmm... whhyyy yoouuu trriiieeeddd tooo juuummpp tthhheeerrreee'

He questioned her which was on his mind since that incident...

'Raaahhhuulll... yooouuu kknnooowww... heee weeennnttt wiiitthhh thhaaattt giiirrrlll...'

She got tears..

Her finger were playing with his shirt button... showing her tension on thinking about the bitter thing happened in her life...

'yooouuu knnooowww... Sweeetthhhaaa tooo...'

He was not getting further words to even talk...

He closed his eyes...

He tightened his grip around her... as a support to handle his grief...

'ooohhh yooouuu tooo caaammmeee tooo juuumppp thheeereee liiikkeee meee'

She puzzled him...

'Nooo... whhhyyy shhooouullddd weee juuummmppp fooorrr theeemmm'

He questioned her...

'Yooouuu aarrreee allsssooo riiighhhttt... goooddd yoouuu hooolllddd meee frooommm juummmpppiiinnggg'

She got relieved that she didn't do the stupidity...

'yyyeeesss... thhhaaattt iiisss whhyyy iii briiinnnggg yooouuu heerrreee'

He clarified...


She agreed...

Both tighten their grip and felt happy about the sudden support they got to come out of their grief...

They were enjoying their closeness closing their eyes...

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