She wish to jump

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She was walking towards the gate...

She got no interest to take her car too which she parked in the parking area...

She was going on the way her legs were going...

After almost 30 minutes of walk...

She was on her destination point...

where she wanted to land that day...

For which she drunk fully...

Yes... She was in a corner of the mountain from where she wanted to jump...

Yes... that was her decision after her heart was broken...

Yes.. that was the destination she decided as solution for her grief...

She looked down rubbing her eyes...

The dark place was not giving any visibility to her how depth the place is..

More over her druken state too...

She closed her eyes...

Inspite of her state.. her heart & mind questioned each other whether what she doing is right or not...

While one replied as right while other replied as wrong...

Which one she can hear..

Infact after so much of such arguments between her heart & mind only she decided to put full stop for everything...

Now the moment has come for that...

Yes.. the moment which can be the remedy for all these confusions...

She tried to collect all her courage to execute her decision...

Of course.. she was not having such courage to execute it...

Then thought it may be possible if she is not on her full conscious...

That is when she went to the pub finally that late evening...

Started having alcohol more.. more... more... until she reached the stage of semi conscious...

Now its all enough...

She cant handle this grief anymore...

The moment has come for her to come out of everything...

Yes.. yes.. yes... no second thought any more...

She came to conclusion...

She opened her eyes...

She brighten her vision to the extent possible and looked down...

Now she can visualise a little of the depth which was confirming her that she can escape from death once jumped...

She made herself ready now...


She tried to jump...

while she heard horn sound...

The sound distracted her from jumping...

She got irritated...

who now??? came to disturb even from decision of jumping from here...

She turned her face while the car light was not letting her to see spreading its power light into her eyelids...

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