Bad dream

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Siddhant swiftly got ready changing the dress...

He was unable to holding him from going to her...

Siddhant rushed towards her room...

Roli was sleeping in the bed like a flower...

He went near her...

He sat beside her in the bed...

He caress her hair...

Siddhant was thinking...

Roli you know i just realised... yes... just realised...

Who are you in my life...

What is your position in my life...

How this strange consummation happened between us...

We were thinking we are strangers...

But we were never strangers once we met...

We only missed to realise it...

Siddhant admired her beautiful face...

Siddhant went near her forehead to place a kiss...

But stopped with a smile...

Siddhant hit his forehead with her gently...

Roli was in deep sleep...

Siddhant was thinking...

Hey darling... you know what all i want to do with you now...

Still i am leaving you as you are in deep sleep...

I dont want to disturb you...

Moreover... how can i even do anything as such...

I dont know what is in your mind...

What if you leave me and go if i try to come close to you...

So i wont till i know your heart...

Till such time... i will be waiting for you...

Siddhant smiled...

Then Siddhant went to kitchen for preparing dinner...


Roli was in the labor ward...

With much difficulty she gave birth to a child...

But when she got her conscious to see the child...

The empty cradle was with her...

She looked at the nurse...

Roli: Nurse where is my child???

Nurse: It was taken by him...

Roli: No... NO... No... I wont leave my child...


Roli shouted...


She got up from the bed...

She was fully sweat...

She realised it was a bad dream...

She took the water which was in the side table...

She drink some water and calm herself closing her eyes...

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