They are drunk

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After few minutes of ride... 

They finally reached his house...

He parked the car and got down...

He came to her side and opened the door...

She just came out like jumping from the car and looked at him furious..

'Why you bring me here???'

He didn't reply her and took her inside the house holding her hand again...

He just locked the door of the building so that she wont try to escape running out...

'Why are you doing this??? just leave me... let me go...'

She was just shouting...


He just kept his finger on his lips and expressed her to keep quiet...

'Why are you shouting... i know something bothering you and you were trying to do something wrong... thats why i bring you here... just stay tonight... tomorrow i will drop you at your home...'

He explained her...

'I dont want to go to any home... just leave me... who are you to even interfere on what was bothering me & what i was trying to do... just open the door...'

She just burst out...

'I wont... No one is here & you can shout as much as you can... i wont open the door till morning till you get back to your senses...'

He just ignore her further replies and moved towards his room...

She just got irritated and went behind him...

'Who are you to decide for me... just do what i say... open the door and let me go...'

He took the bottle of alcohol which he stored in the fridge and went inside his room...

He was least bothered about her shout...

He just sat on the sofa inside his room...

He opened the bottle and started pouring into the glass...

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