He save her

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He was irritated...

Who is this girl standing on my way...

Not letting me to go to my home...

Correctly standing in the turning...

He started making sound with horn too...

Still she didn't moved...

Already it was difficult for him to drive in that drunk state...

Above that this girl too...

He showed irritated face...

Continuously make horn...

Still no use...

He can notice she is looking towards the car...

He was wondering what she is looking at his car...

Why cant she move from there...

He finally got no other way other than getting down and see what is wrong with that girl...

Yes... he got down...

He was equally not in balance state...

Still in that narrow hill road.. that girl need to move from there for him to continue towards his home...

He started taking steps towards her..

She kept the indication light on which was showing her face to some extent...

He went near her...

'Hey Girl... are you deaf??? why cant you move inspite of horn so many times...'

He questioned...

'What bothers you??? whether i move or not???'

She replied with irritation of disturbing her from jumping...

'I am least bothered whether you are standing here or move... but you are standing on my way...'

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