She is sick

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Siddhant looked at Roli...

Siddhant: What you will have for dinner.. let me cook...

Roli: You cook yourself...

Siddhant: Yes i do... being alone.. i do all my works myself.. i dont keep any servants... Even if this is not there... then i will be bored..

Roli: Hmm... i understand.. but i too will be bored right... so let me too help you from now on..

Siddhant: Sure..

Roli: Then lets go to kitchen to start preparing dinner...

Roli already got up getting ready to cook...

Siddhant with a smile got up and went towards kitchen...

They took vegetables from the fridge...

Roli: Let me cut the vegetable...

Siddhant: Ok.. I will keep rice in the cooker...

They started cooking together sharing the jobs...

In a while the food got ready...

Roli & Siddhant sat in the dining & started having food...

Roli: Not bad... you are cooking really good...

Siddhant: Thank you...

Roli: The girl who marry you is very lucky...

Roli smiled while Siddhant was little disturbed on her words...

Roli noticed that...

Roli: Did i say anything wrong...

Siddhant: Not at all... you talked about my marriage.. i got no such idea.. that too after facing the cheating from Shwetha...

Roli: I can understand.. same for me too.. after facing the cheating from Rahul...

SIddhant: Hmm... ok... lets have food instead of thinking about them and spoiling our mood..

Roli: you are right...

They continued having dinner...

After finishing dinner they came out of the kitchen to the hall...

Siddhant: Roli... you can stay in that room adjacent to mine.. 

Roli: Ok...

Siddhant: it is kept locked... let me open it... bringing the key...

Siddhant rushed to take the key...

Roli went near the room and stood near the door with her bag...

Siddhant with a smile came back with the key...

He opened the door and expressed Roli to get into her room...

Roli with a smile entered into the room...

Siddhant: you got wardrobes here & can use it... as i said... feel free & think like your own house...

Roli: Sure...

when she was talking.. suddenly she got omitting sensation as she just had food...

She rushed towards the bathroom...

Siddhant was wondering what to do now...

He went near the bathroom and was thinking whether to go near her to help or not...

He was not sure how she will take...

Siddhant: Roli... shall i come to help you...

Roli: No problem... i am ok...

She omitted again and washed her mouth & face...

She came out little tired...

Siddhant: Are you ok.. shall i call doctor...

Roli: No.. no.. no need... this is my regular after food for past almost more than 15 days.. since i got confirmed about this baby...

She touched her stomach...

Siddhant: Still you looks very tired.. let me call doctor...

Roli: No need Siddhant... i told right... it is normal & i already contacted doctor for this.. she said it will be like that only for some days during pregnancy..

Siddhant: Oh ok... you will have something...

Roli: Just i want water...

Siddhant: Ok.. let me bring.. you sit in the sofa... or bed...

Siddhant rushed to bring water for her...

He swiftly returned with water jug & glass...

He poured the water and gave it to Roli...

Roli drink the water and lean on the pillow in the bed...

She took fast breathe and closed her eyes...

Siddhant was feeling bad seeing her condition...

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