You are appointed

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Roli & Siddhant looked at each other...

Siddhant suddenly remembered something to be shared with her...

Siddhant: Ms. Roli... no need to fear anymore as i stopped drinking that day itself...

Roli: Is it.. but why???

Siddhant: I dont want to do any such mishap again with anyone... 

He said keeping his face down...

Roli: Its good you stopped... not telling for any mishap... but its good for your health... that single day itself i was finding difficult to drink which i compelled myself to drink to get courage to jump from hill...

Siddhant: hmmm... And another thing... Though we are strangers to each other.. you can think this as your own house and you got all rights in this like me... feel free to be here...

Roli: I am grateful to you that you are trying to help me in this situation and also telling me to feel as my own house... but...

Siddhant: But!!!

Roli: How can i stay for free of cost... i wish i give you money like paying guest... 

Siddhant; No.. i dont want any such.. i only dont have anyone.. but got more money that i can very well take care of you...

Roli: Not for that... but i may feel guilty.. 

Siddhant: its not good you feel guilty.. but how can i accept money from you...

Roli: You need to.. i accepted to stay here right.. in same way... 

Siddhant: But you dont earn... do you wish to go in search of job...

Roli: Come on.. Mr. Siddhant.. i already attended interview in your office... only your interview was pending.. interview now and if i suit to your requirement... you can very well appoint me... if you feel i am not fit for that job.. then very well i search outside...

Siddhant smiled...

Siddhant: you are appointed...

Roli: Without even interview.. what it mean??? is it out of pity or anything like that...

Siddhant: Not at all.. i saw your resume even before you come for interivew... i shortlisted you out of 5 came that day seeing your resume itself... thats why...

Roli: Oh ok!!! thank you.. Boss...

Siddhant smiled...

Siddhant: I am not your boss now..

Roli: Then what you are... shall i call you room mate then...

Siddhant: No.. it will be very odd to hear...

Roli: Then i will call you Mr. Siddhant...

Siddhant: You can call casually as Siddhant instead...

Roli: Hmmm... ok... then you too need to call me casually as Roli.. instead of Ms. Roli...

Siddhant: Sure...

Roli & SIddhant smiled...

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