Siddhant is excited

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Roli was surprised on his wish...

Roli: I dont get you Siddhant...

Siddhant: I wish to touch & feel..the baby movement...

He forward his hand towards her stomach...

Then Roli realised what he means...

Roli was thinking what to do now.. hearing his wish...

Its quiet obvious...

How much she got excited on feeling the movement...

Like that he too is having such wish...

Siddhant: Roli.. i will close my eyes... dont worry.. just wish to touch & feel the baby movement.. Please.. for me... just once...

Roli smiled...

Roli: Ok...

Siddhant closed his eyes...

Roli lay down in the bed...

She hold his hand and took it to her stomach...

She down her saree a little and kept his hand on the stomach...

May be baby was waiting for such touch from its father...

Baby too forwarded its hand towards the skin of stomach making punch on the stomach as well as on the hand of Siddhant which was kept on the stomach...

Siddhant can very well feel the small touch on his hand...

Siddhant was excited...

Siddhant: Roli.. the baby is moving...

Roli: yes Siddhant.. just now it punch in the stomach again...

Siddhant concentrated on the stomach again still keeping his eyes closed...

The baby showed movement again...

Siddhant smiled.. and enjoyed it again...

Roli suddenly remembered something...

Roli was thinking.. how he is getting excited for the child...

What does this mean...

He started showing his interest as a father of the child...

She suddenly got worried...

Roli swiftly took his hand from her stomach...

She swiftly corrected her saree and sat in the bed...

Siddhant opened his eyes...

Siddhant: What happened Roli...

Roli: Nothing.. its takes time for the baby next movement... Now only it moved couple of times.. thats why...

Siddhant: oh ok.. But Roli.. its really a thrilling experience.. Now i feel bad of not being a lady to enjoy and feel all these...

Siddhant expressed his views...

Roli was only seeing how much he started getting attached to the baby...

Roli was just hearing what he is telling...

While Siddhant was in his own excited world of his child movement feeling...

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