At the office

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Siddhant got ready and came out to the hall...

He went near Roli and checked whether she is awake...

She was sleeping...

He swiftly made the bread sandwich and bring it for them to eat...

Siddhant; Roli... Roli...

She didn't wake up...

But he knows she already omitted and cant let her be in empty stomach too...

Siddhant forward his hand and pat slightly on her cheeks...

Siddhant: Roli... Roli...

She slowly opened her eyes and found herself sleeping conveniently in the sofa and knows it is done by him...

She looked at Siddhant with a smile...

She got up and sat in the sofa...

Siddhant: Sorry to disturb you.. i prepared sandwich for breakfast.. so thought of giving you...

Roli: Oh.. what is the time...

Siddhant: its 9 & i am just leaving to office now..

Roli: You are leaving.. then what about me... you said i am appointed...

Siddhant: Thats right.. but how you will come in this physical condition...

Roli: My condition will be like this only for few more months.. but i cant deny to come to office for months together as soon as appointed.. so i am coming to office...

Siddhant: ok ok... you wont hear even if i deny.. now have breakfast then get ready...

Roli: Instead i will take bath & fresh up myself.. so that i can have food and we can start...


Roli: Are you getting late.. if yes.. you can start..  i will come by auto...

Siddhant: Roli you forgot i am MD of that company.. no time bound for me.. so i can very well wait...

Roli: oh yes... but boss.. hope you wont put late coming mark for me...

Siddhant: i wont.. now get ready...

Roli: yes yes...

Roli rushed towards her room...

She swiftly got ready & came back in another dress...

Siddhant was waiting for her without having his sandwich too...

Roli came to sofa.. both had breakfast together...

Siddhant: Lets go...

Roli: Hmmm...

Roli & Siddhant sat in the car...

Siddhant: How are you feeling now...

Roli: I am feeling alright than before...

Siddhant: Good... feeling good to hear this...

Roli smiled...

Roli & Siddhant reached office...

Siddhant took her to the cabin...

All these staffs were seeing them coming together surprised...

Siddhant entered into his cabin with her...

Siddhant: Roli.. sit here...

He made her sit on the opposite chair of his...

He sat in his seat and called the HR lady thro intercom...

She rushed towards him...

HR: Yes Sir...

Siddhant: You can get her apppointment papers ready.. where is manager.. tell him to come in...

HR: Ok sir...

Manager entered the cabin in a while...

Siddhant: Ms. Roli is appointed for my PA post... you can introduce her to our staffs and get her seat ready & complete other formalities.. i told HR too...'

Manager: Sure Sir...

Manager took Roli and introduced to all staffs...

After introduction got completed...

He showed her seat which was partition from Siddhant cabin...

Siddhant & Roli can see each other...

She got all facilities like laptop.. phone... Stationaries everything for her separately...

Roli sat on her place with heart filled with happiness...

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